The reduced odor from this design has been a growing problem. The nose cone tends to collect essential oil instead of letting is pass through the holes. The latest theory is to make the ship part optional or leave it out entirely. It would just be a booster. Since the booster has expanded with a hot staging ring, it has enough detail to stand on its own. It would have to be expanded to cover the entire incense height & require a new launch mount.
Another option is creating the smallest possible hole in the nose cone to allow all the fumes out, then cover up more of the side. The nose cone tends to create a pool of fumes. It would look like 1 of many lunar lander prototypes. This ended up still pooling fumes inside the nose.
Another option is creating a ramp inside the nose to direct the fumes out instead of pooling. This would make it top heavy. It almost needs a ramp system of some kind to guide the fumes out.
There's also angling the existing design 45 deg so the fumes just rise vertically. This increases the risk of outside air blowing the ashes.

A growing fascination with the starship lighter made lions ponder how such a thing could be incorporated in the incense burner. Obviously no-one is going to tear down a $175 lighter. So much of the exterior is cut out for the controls & air intakes, it's easier to imagine gutting the entire side to stick in a $10 pen torch.

The 2nd stage of a starship incense burner could be a lighter like this while the incense burned in the 1st stage. Maybe you could stack it while the incense burned & destack for lighting. It would need the right air passage to direct the odor out, otherwise it would have to be destacked for burning.
Once the butane ran out, it would be very expensive to refill. That's the mane problem. Lions have used $1 lighters for 20 years. Then, there's the problem of what the purpose is of wrapping a butane torch in a starship enclosure. It wouldn't save any space because instead of a pile of lighters, there's a pile of butane refills. Using a starship shaped thing for lighting a starship incense burner has a certain appeal, but the enclosure would have to be somehow essential for the function of the lighter rather than being a model with a lighter stuffed inside. Maybe another starship model could be a storage container for a bunch of $1 lighters.
There are butane refills of a certain size locally
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