Baffa-6502 is a subproject of Baffa-2 to create a new series of boards around the 6502 CPU architecture. This allows a new group of retro computers to explore in my project.
The first "setup" is an Apple -1 that runs Atari 2600 games (like CP/M that runs Colecovision) and is still in development. For now, I was able to test the new Atari 2600 card for the Baffa-6502 (Codename "Baffatari" 2600)
More info: and
Atari 2600 Setup:

Apple-1 + Atari 2600 Setup:

Presenting Baffatari project:
Loading games using Woz Monitor (Apple-1) via hexadecimal listing:
Loading games from Cartridge or SDCard:
I am proud to say that this project is sponsored by PCBWay.