- Uses right angle SMA connector for external amplified antenna
- QTPy49 breakout card with multiple CPU options
- 3.3V
- QT Py (SAMD based)
- Adafruit product page (limited stock 2022-07) - I used this card
- SeeedStudio product page (limited stock 2022-07)
- 48 MHz
- QT Py (RP2040 based)
- Adafruit Product page (limited stock 2022-07)
- Seeedstudio Product page (good stock 2022-07)
- 133 MHz
- CircuitPython code
- DRIVE50 card (or modified PulseGen card)
- Oscillator circuit removed (not used as pulse generator)
- Single BNC connector
- Receives input from GPS output and drives 50 Ohm output on BNC
- Can be ordered from Tindie
- Status LED
- Blinks on for 1 second at power up
- Goes off until serial communications are working
- Blinks on-off as data is received from GPS while waiting for Satellite signal lock
- LED is on solidly once locked and output is enabled
- Fits into Aluminum Project Box Enclosure DIY 100*76*35mm
- Enclosure ebay search
- Inspired by Scullcom design