In this project, We will monitor voltage and temperature of the system and provide the alert notification in case of exceeding the threshold value. We monitor three phase voltage with voltage measurement sensor and measures temperature with SHT temperature sensor. While the value of the line voltage and temperature cross the threshold limit ,notification is sent to specific number in form of SMS and buzzer is turned on. This Voltage and Temperature monitoring system continuously monitor the 3 phase voltage and temperature.
We have also done the similar project ” TRANSFORMER MONITORING SYSTEM USING ESP 32” which is described in detailed in our previous article. In addition to that project, We have just added a alert system in this project.
PCB Manufacturer
The pcb of this project is manufactured by JLCPCB. The reasons to choose JLCPCB for pcb manufacturing are:
- Higher Quality
- Lower Cost
- Faster Delivery
If you want to order your pcb from jlcpcb just go through the link below:

Bill Of Materials
1 | Esp-32 | Microcontroller | 1 | |
2 | SIM800L | Gsm module | 1 | |
3 | Jumper Wires | Connecting Wires | some | |
4 | Voltage sensor | ZMPT101B | 3 | |
5 | Relay | single channel relay | 1 | |
6 | Push Button | Two pin | 1 | |
7 | Adapter | 5V / 2A | 1 | |
8 | Diode | 1N4007 | 2 | |
9 | Temperature / Humidity sensor | SHT | 1 | |
Block Diagram Of Voltage and Temperature Monitoring – Alert System

This is the block diagram of the project Voltage and Temperature Monitoring – Alert System.
- In the Power Supply section we have smps that converts 220 volt AC to 5 volt dc. Further this 5v is converted to 3.3 volt using LDO and feed to out micro controller. We have converted the same 5 volt supply to 4 volt by passing it through a general purpose diode. This 4 volt supply is provided to GSM module(SIM800L).
- We have three input section in this project ,Our first task is to measure 3 phase voltage so we need voltage measuring sensor in each phase. These sensors converts high AC voltage to LOW voltage that can be measured by ADC pin of ESP-32 Micro-controller.
- We have used SHT temperature and humidity sensor to measure the out board temperature. These value is also provided to ADC pin of ESP-32 Micro-controller.
- When any of the value cross the threshold limit SIM800L sends the SMS to three predefined number informing about the respective fault.
- When the threshold limit is reached relay is turned on to on the buzzer.
- Button is pressed to stop the buzzer for a certain predefined time when the buzzer is turned on.
Working Principle of Voltage and Temperature Monitoring System
First of all, We need to turn on our device. Once ESP-32 get power it start emitting hotspot. We can connect our smart device in that hotspot and search in any browser URL. Here, we can change the threshold limit of our voltage and temperature along with that we can also change the hotspot credentials from here.

Once you search that URL after connecting to the hotspot of the esp-32 you will see the interface as shown in the figure 4 below.

In the contact section you can place three mobile number where the system sends the notification in case of over voltage and over temperature in form of SMS.

In the voltage section you can set the upper limit of the voltage above which is a over voltage that need a alert notification. Similarly, in the temperature section you can set the upper limit...
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