I had the idea to rewrite my emulator so that it uses the same decoder ROM images that the real machine will. This was quite a good move - the emulator now stays in sync with any changes I make to the instruction set. It also means the emulator is now cycle accurate - it can tell me exactly how long a program will take to run. With that, I thought I'd implement the "Byte sieve" and see how my architecture performs.
Statistics: 328882 instructions 1184625 cycles 0.5923125 sec at 2.0 MHz 3.60 cycles/inst
I was surprised by this - one iteration of the sieve (of size 8191, the standard size) takes 0.59 seconds. How does that compare to other processors? I found this article from 1983 that lists reader-submitted times for various systems and languages. Those times are for 10 iterations so I need to multiply my number by 10:
1 MHz 6502 asm 13.9 ? MHz Z80 asm 6.8 5 MHz 8088 asm 4.0 8 MHz 8086 asm 1.9 2 MHz DIP8 asm 5.9
Not bad! It performs about the same as a 6502 at the same clock rate, which I wasn't expecting. Maybe the 6502 code wasn't a very efficient implementation. Anyway, it's just one benchmark. I have some nice addressing modes and 16-bit registers which will have helped here, but modifying variables in memory is quite clunky at the moment. Luckily I have a plan to fix that.
The downside to this new emulator is that it's a bit slow - it can't run in real time. Which I think is a bit funny - my Python code running at 3 GHz can't emulate a system running at a puny 2 MHz!
Byte sieve assembly code is here for anyone interested: https://github.com/kylesrm/dip8-computer/blob/main/src/sieve.asm
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