
Noise Reduction of the Plasma Cutter Unit

A project log for Scalable Silent Air Compressor

Powerful silent air compressor made from multiple fridge compressors

dominik-meffertDominik Meffert 07/10/2022 at 19:090 Comments

For reducing the noise of the plasma cutter unit I ordered a case fan from a different brand because I thought the new fan would be quieter.

Unfortunately, it did not make a big difference compared to the old fan and so tried out something else.

I used an LM2596 to reduce the voltage for the fan from 24V to 16V which led to way less noise.

The plasma cutter unit is a 40A one and I think I will keep the power setting at 30A or less most of the time. I hope/guess driving the fan with only 2/3 of the intended voltage while not driving the machine to its limit will also not lead to overheating.

Time will tell...

For now, the noise of the plasma cutter unit got reduced and so I can move to the next part which is making all parts on the CNC part waterproof.

I already removed all electronics besides the stepper motors from the machine and it seems like waterproof stepper motors are expensive and hard to get. I will try to find a solution for that in the next few days.


I just found some IP65-rated Nema23 on eBay which should arrive later next week.

I ordered two for building a CoreXZ machine.
