
Been there, done that, T-shirt's on its way!

A project log for Simple Universal Modem

Can it save audio? It can save data too!

anders-nielsenAnders Nielsen 10/22/2022 at 07:230 Comments

It really almost felt like cheating when I heard last week's Hackaday podcast and Elliot chose 300 baud KCS for the "What's that sound?" segment. I already had the equipment to do the decode in hardware on my desk.

If it wasn't for the fact that my code was still set to 8 bits instead of 11 bits, it would've been too easy but I took it as the final push to get the source code finished. 

And behold - the message "READ MORE HACKADAY" appeared(plus a few control characters) and to my surprise I also won the segment competition after sending in the answer.. And soon I'll have a Hackaday T-shirt to show for it! 

If you also want the ability to decode random nerdy messages on podcasts, then you can go right ahead and build this project. 
