
First spectrum and waterfall result

A project log for 32MHz spectrum + SDR + FT8 in an FPGA

A 0 - 32MHz FPGA based Software Defined Radio (AM SSB FT8) by ready modules->cheap and easy Last add: Aug 14th SW update to include GFSK

guidoGuido 11/16/2022 at 18:280 Comments

As you can see in the following picture, with my first assembly I received many signals in the full 0-32 MHz band simply connecting my EFLW antenna directly to the analog input. 

I'm pretty sure that a few of these signals are entering the receiver from the 2nd and 3rd Nyquist zone but I'm not sure because I cannot demodulate them at the moment. 

Anyway in my opinion this first result encourages me to go on! 

(Y-axis not in scale)
