
AGC - Automatic gain Control

A project log for 32MHz spectrum + SDR + FT8 in an FPGA

A 0 - 32MHz FPGA based Software Defined Radio (AM SSB FT8) by ready modules->cheap and easy Last add: Aug 14th SW update to include GFSK

guidoGuido 12/19/2022 at 11:490 Comments

Maybe I could postpone its design, but I just learn Matlab Simulink a little, so I decided to test my new skills.

I found this interesting article Design and implementation of a new digital automatic gain control by Etienne Tisserand, Yves Berviller describing the forward AGC control, so I decided to adapt this solution to my requirements:

I simulated on Simulink and created a VHD function to be used in Vivado.
