
AM demodulator

A project log for 32MHz spectrum + SDR + FT8 in an FPGA

A 0 - 32MHz FPGA based Software Defined Radio (AM SSB FT8) by ready modules->cheap and easy Last add: Aug 14th SW update to include GFSK

guidoGuido 12/20/2022 at 17:170 Comments

After seeing the very good result I obtained designing and simulating the AGC using matlab - simulink, I decided to complete the logical path from RF to audio, designing an AM demodulator.

 In this way I could listen to some radio stations at last. I read some articles on the web but the only one I found really interesting is  "An FPGA SDR HF Transceiver by K6JCA" who very well describe the AM demodulator.

A little resume, now I have the following items:

(*) designed and simulated but not tested yet

So I'm almost ready to put it all together in my EBAZ4205. 

Talk to you soon!
