
Lixie goes up for sale tomorrow!

A project log for "Lixie", an LED alternative to the Nixie Tube

Always jealous of people who could afford big Nixie Tubes, I rolled my own alternative with WS2812Bs and laser cutting!

lixie-labsLixie Labs 04/03/2017 at 01:480 Comments

Hello again, makers!

It's been quiet here the last few weeks on Hackaday, but let me assure you that things haven't been slow! I've finished moving into a much larger space, tweaked my shipping needs a bit, and I have great news.

The first batch of Lixie displays will be available for sale tomorrow on Monday, April 3rd, at 6 PM MST! (UTC-7)

At first I will be assembling and selling in batches of 60 - leaving my day job once things pick up so that I can fulfill Lixies full-time. I must warn you though - if you want a Lixie now, you're going to have to be ready when it goes live. As of writing this, there are 658 units on the Tindie mailing list, and it grows by about 8-10 units a day. I'll be reaching out to the Tindie staff after launch for confirmation whether or not I've listed the most desired product in Tindie's four-year history. I'm dying to know! Also, I'm going to limit orders of this first batch to 6 units per address to make sure nobody buys half the stock in one go or something strange. (There's a user on the waiting list who wanted 36 digits, sorry man hang in there!) If you order more than 6, I will cancel the order. This restriction will ease up next round, but for now I want to make sure as many people get to try some as possible.

So - to get you completely up to date with how the Lixie works and how to get one, let me list out some details:

Tomorrow, I will be writing a full "Getting Started" guide on Github and sharing it here so that you can get started as soon as it arrives!

I'd like to thank Katie Stockton for her never-ending support and patience for stacks of Lixie pieces all over the house, David Madison for his extensive work improving the Lixie Arduino Library with me, Hackaday writer James Hobson for sharing my work on the main blog, Donald Bell of Maker Update for the YouTube coverage, Lisa Horn, Content Manager at Ponoko laser cutting for reaching out to get the story, and the 18,000 viewers of these logs for their supportive interest these last 4 months.


-Connor Nishijima
