
but first, we must build a goodFET42

A project log for im-me messenger - 12 years later

let's see if all that code still works that's flying around

davedarkodavedarko 07/18/2022 at 19:440 Comments

Sure, I could try and do the same hard work that plenty people have done before me, do miserably and fail - or I could just try and get stuff from back then working. So within chip shortage I tried to get hold of the MSP chip that's featured on the GoodFET, a DIY JTAG and more probe, that isn't obtainable anywhere. Thankfully everything I needed was accessible and so I started redesigning the GoodFET in KiCad, swapped some parts and added rounded corners basically and ordered the boards at OSHpark. Why did I do that? Because all the tutorials from 2010 basically start with "connect your GoodFET to the im-me messenger" and well I need one then, of course.


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