

I hacked an old Nintendo NES R.O.B Robot to be controllable from a webpage.

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I hacked an old Nintendo NES R.O.B Robot to be controllable from a PC via a webpage.

I used a Teensy micro-controller soldered to the robot’s original circuit board and a bit of code to interpret serial input. Then I made a PHP file that sends serial data to the Teensy’s port and made a gui with a bit of Bootstrap. I have posted the code if you'd like to try this yourself.

(I ended up selling the robot to someone who wanted to use it in a commercial, so maybe you'll spot it in the wild one day).

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  • 1 × Teensy microcontroller
  • 1 × R.O.B. Robot

  • 1
    A bit of tinkering required.

    You have to look for the motor control chip on the robot's board, located in the base. Then apply 3v to each pin on the chip to map out which pin controls which motor, and in which direction. Once you have this information, you can solder wires between these pins and the Teensy. Inside the code, you can set these pins to High or Low when you send the Teensy serial data, activating the Robot's motors. Reading through the code I posted should put you on the right track.

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