
New Project: A full featured Enigma Machine Simulator

A project log for Mystery 6502 program for the Kim Uno #1kBChallenge

The #1kBChallenge inspired me to dust off the Kim-Uno and write an Enigma Z30 simulator. This is a very rare numbers only Enigma Machine.

arduino-enigmaArduino Enigma 05/15/2019 at 23:050 Comments

I have been wanting to make an Enigma Simulator with 16 segment displays, leds and buttons, but the Arduino Nano/Uno do not have sufficient I/O pins to do that. The Mega2560 R3 Pro Mini changes all that. It has enough IO pins to drive all the LEDs, read all the keys and have a full 26 letter plugboard without resorting to crazy multiplexing tricks. Below is an image of the board.

To read more, follow this hackaday io project here: 
