
Sear Silvertone Digital Dice Towers with LED Display

A project log for Resto-Mod Audible Digital Dice Towers

Art, engineering, retro cool, and modern geek all in one package

john-andersonJohn Anderson 07/24/2022 at 06:360 Comments

I built a couple more Digital Dice Towers based on the 1960's and 1970's Sears Silvertone radios. These add a 3 digit 7 segment LED display so the user can see the dice count, selection, and roll result. The software for these is based on the original audio only Sears Silvertone piece. But, this version adds support for the 10 outputs and logic to drive the display. These are battery powered as well and use the same power management mode the audio only version introduced.

Internally these look very similar to the original audio only version.

This video demonstrates their operation.
