
Arduino Library

A project log for Solar inverter datalogger improvements

Reverse engineering of a wireless datalogger for solar micro inverters.

robin-dorstRobin Dorst 08/23/2024 at 18:090 Comments

As of now Iam officially marking this project as finished. I recently found a library on GitHub which handles all the communications. @atc1441 and a few others have cracked the communication between the inverter and the smart box. They even found a few other commands you can send using their library to shut off the inverter and more. I am now using said library as they did a great job and there isn't anything I can actually improve. I have made a custom PCB with an ESP32-S2 and the LC12S and wrote some code that pulls the data from the inverter every minute and then saves said data to an influxdb instance running on a Raspberry Pi 4. It's also running a Grafana dashboard for all the datavisualization. If any one is interested in building one of their own all the files are on GitHub and I'm also selling the PCB optionally with case if you don't have the means of manufacturing one yourself just send me an email to

