My personal take on the Cyberdeck craze. This unit features two computers (A Ras Pi 4 B 8GB, and a i5 NUC) switchable and both have an external monitor output. This little guy has a built in fully functional ethernet network with Wi-Fi, 7S Lithium battery pack, dual monitor KVM, USB PD in and out. All built into an Apache 2800 waterproof case.
So, at this time the back side of the main plate is a plate of wire spaghetti. I am not seeing a great way to simplify this too much unless I start extracting circuits from boards and creating my own PCB's (Not my plan, but who knows). Everything works mostly as expected. I have had difficulties with getting sound output at the moment. I believe this to be a missed wire connection or something similar but have not had the time to dig in lately.
For those of you chomping at the bit for more details, I promise to update these pages soon. I have a fairly demanding life and career that keeps my free time to a minimum.