So I finally got a working game in 1024 bytes, and this will be my final entry into the competition.
The following features are somewhat working
- All functionality implemented in software on an Attiny 2313, only supported by passive components.
- VGA 640 by 480 display in RGB colours, actual resolution is a lot less, but video signals are in line with the VGA specifications.
- VGA colours and pixel offsets are updated on the fly line pr line while the video signal is generated. At 20MHz clock and cycles pr pixel.
- Control by a "Nintendo style" hand controller, left right and fire.
- All graphic objects are implemented as "tile objects" but the VGA driver implemented in assembly software handles pixel offsets to allow for smooth movement and accurate placement of the tiles
- Score updated when destroying aliens.
- Tiles are alternated between frames to mimic the original.
This is what happens when you do the system drawing on a cellphone without the proper software at 4 o'clock at night just before a deadline.
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Well done!
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Thanks, I Was even surprised myself there in the end, as mr Murphy with his stupid law was following me throught this entire project. I chose to participate in this becuase I have a passion for cramming much functionality into a small device, and I ended up learning a lot of new stuff, even though it was the hard way. I guess a lot of the participants share the same experience.
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