
The 1.7 MHz disk problem

A project log for UltraTower

Grow vegetables with ultraponics tower

j-gleyzesJ Gleyzes 08/21/2022 at 16:183 Comments

I've been wanting to build an ultraponic system for a few years now. 

My very first system was just a bucket of water, the lid was pierced to accommodate 4 plants and a mister floated into the water to create mist. Sorry I no longer have pictures.

I simply bought a ready to use mist maker. You just have to plug a 24V DC power supply and immerse it in enough water to make it work.
The mist maker contains the electronics needed to vibrate the disk. The electronics is embedded into resin to make it waterproof and uses the water for cooling (clever).

But it heated up the water and was too big for my project! I had to figure out how to remove the electronics from water to avoid temperature rise.

The ready to use mist maker uses a Colpitts oscillator which activates a transistor, you can find the schematics easily on internet. 
As I used an ESP32, I prefered to use a MOSFET. 

The first electronics circuit :

I turned it on ! And nothing ...

The MOSFET did not switch fast enough. Let's take the IRFZ44N datasheet to understand my mistakes.

At lower frequencies this circuit works (it's the circuit for the 110 kHz disk just the coil and the frequency change), but at 1.7 MHz we need to turn on the MOSFET as fast as possible.
The ESP32 can deliver 3.3V through its pins but we need a voltage above the Gate ThresHold Voltage of the IRFZ44N which is between 2.0V and 4.0V. 

Now to have a good switching speed we need to charge and discharge the gate as fast as possible.

In my first circuit this gives us :

So we have a possible switching frequency of 0.26 MHz. Far away from the 1.7MHz..

If we now take a voltage of 5V with a gate resistance of 10 Ohm :

The possible switching frequency is now 3.9 MHz

This is perfect but the ESP32 can't handle the 0.5 A current, we need a mosfet driver.
I chose the Microchip's TC4424 driver.

Here is the schematics:

I turned it on! It worked!

However, the MOSFET heats up quite quickly, it needs a fairly large heat sink to allow continuous operations.  
And even though I removed electronics from water, it still heats up to 40°C, which is explained by the vibrations of the disk and the small volume of water.

I have learned a lot from this 1.7 MHz disk but I can't use it because water temperature has to be between 18 and 25 °C for hydroponics systems.

I am not an electronic expert so it is possible that there is a better way to vibrate this 1.7 MHz disk. Also one could imagine using this kind of disk in colder countries than mine where water may require to be warmed a little.

ESP32 code to generate the PWM at 1.7 MHz is fairly straigthforward:

#define MIST1_PIN 19

// setting PWM properties
const int freq = 1700000; //IMPORTANT
const int ledChannel = 0;
const int resolution = 1; //IMPORTANT
const int dutyCycle = 1; //IMPORTANT

void setup() {

  // configure LED PWM functionalitites
  ledcSetup(ledChannel, freq, resolution); 

  // attach the channel to the GPIO to be controlled
  ledcAttachPin(MIST1_PIN, ledChannel);

  ledcWrite(ledChannel, dutyCycle);


Hardahaa wrote 09/24/2024 at 09:15 point

My power supply is shorting on connecting it to the mosfet. I added a r220 ohm resistance between circuit and ground and i am using a 3.3 volt workable mosfet AOD4454. But the mosfet fried out in 2 3 seconds. Can you guide me in this

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ExodusOxid wrote 11/06/2024 at 14:06 point

Well first of all 220Ohms is too much of a resistance.

I faced the same Problem when i build this seeing you trying to do this in 2024 i will help.

First of all the code is not working under ESP32 Core 3.0.+ since they changed the ledc stuff so be sure to be on Core 2. something in the Board manager.

I had my Mosfet short my PSU too so here is what i changed to make it work.

1. do not use 100 Ohms of resistance from the ESP32 use 250-300 ( to limit power draw to a max of 12 ma. ) 

2. use a 10k Pulldown resistor from the ESP output pin to Ground. which fixxed Heating issues for my IRFP250N MOSFET 

3.  instead of your 220 Ohms to Ground use a 2 Ohms 10W Resistor from + to circuit( Everything else Heated and burned when i fixxed this tutorial) 

Now everything should work fine.


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Hardahaa wrote 11/14/2024 at 08:26 point

Thanks for youe response,

one correction -  I mentioned r220, so it is 0.220 ohms only to ground.

also, post this comment i moved to using an attiny85 as it has builtin PLL so to have a 1.7mhz accuracy and 5v gate drive.

but duty to be 50%, my IRFZ44n still burns out after few mins of running but the thow is perfect and actually way more than commercially available ones.

I writing this actually sitting on desk still trying to make it work, will include your solutions provided and check.

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