
Slime acquired, car broken

A project log for A Wheel

Another Satisfying Single Wheel Terrifying Hoverboard Conversion

masterofnullMasterOfNull 09/04/2022 at 21:550 Comments

I need to verify proof of life for the whole setup, then I can Slime the tire and get rid of that pesky leak.  It would suck to slime it and then find out I pressure washed off the enamel of two adjacent windings (happened) and failed to repair them, and having to crack it all open again, this time coated in slime.  Yeah.  It's going to spin first.

However, the solenoid of the starter in my Saturn Ion decided to stop functioning today.  

I have lost many hours and still need to rebuild a starter.  My running theory is cleaning, lubrication, and some 2000 grit may just bring it back.  Just the solenoid if I can get it off straight away...  

The new starter was $179 and wasn't in stock anyway.  Car cooling.


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