
Full GlowStitch Sheets Arrived

A project log for GlowStitch LED Strips

LED strips for soft circuits, paper circuits and more!

stephSteph 10/30/2022 at 06:560 Comments

I absolutely adore my GlowStitch sheets that arrived in the mail today! Test the sheet with the tabs and cut them out when you're ready to use. Includes a variety of long, short and ring GlowStitch LEDs in colour cycling and white.  Adding the tester tabs means that the user can have a 'sanity check' before using the strips and it also makes it easier to quality control test the sheets in the factory without creating a custom test jig.  An added bonus is that with a circuit running through the sheet, this no longer counts as a 'panelised board' from the factory perspective and it's much cheaper in the PCB quote generator.  
