In this IoT project, I have shown how to make ESP RainMaker IoT Project using ESP32 to control relays with Google Assistant, Alexa, Bluetooth, IR remote, and manual switches. real-time feedback.
So, you can easily make this home automation project at home just by using an ESP32 and relay module. Or you can also use a custom-designed PCB for this project.
Tutorial Video on ESP RainMaker Project using ESP32
In the tutorial video, I have shown all the steps to make this ESP Rainmaker home automation system.
This ESP32 control smart relay has the following features:
- Control home appliances with WiFi (Google Home & Amazon Alexa app).
- Control home appliances with Voice Commands using Google Assistant & Alexa.
- Control home appliances with any Bluetooth or BLE module.
- Control home appliances with an IR remote.
- Control home appliances with manual switches or push buttons.
- Monitor real-time feedback in the ESP RainMaker App.
- Control appliances without WiFi (Bluetooth + IR Remote + Switches).
Required components for the ESP32 Project
So, you can easily make this home automation project at home just by using an ESP32 and relay module. Or you can also use a custom-designed PCB for this project.
Required components:
- ESP32 DevKIT V1 Amazon
- 4-channel or 8-channel 5V SPDT Relay Module Amazon
- TSOP1838 IR receiver (with metallic casing)
- Bluetooth or BLE module (ANY)
- Manual Switches or Pushbuttons Amazon
- Any IR Remote
Required components for PCB:
- TSOP1838 IR receiver (with metallic case)
- Relays 5v (SPDT) (8 no)
- BC547 Transistors (8 no)
- PC817 Optocuplors (8 no)
- 510-ohm 0.25-watt Resistor (8 no) (R1 - R8)
- 1k 0.25-watt Resistors (10 no) (R9 - R18)
- LED 5-mm (10 no)
- 1N4007 Diodes (8 no) (D1 - D8)
- Push Buttons (8 no) or Switches
- Terminal Connectors
- Jumper
- 5V DC supply
Circuit Diagram of the ESP32 IoT Project
This is the complete circuit diagram for this home automation project. I have explained the circuit in the tutorial video.
The circuit is very simple, I have used the GPIO pins D23, D22, D21, D19, D18, D5, D25 & D26 to control the 8 relays.
And the GPIO pins D13, D12, D14, D27, D33, D32, D15 & D4 are connected with pushbuttons to control the 8 relays manually.
And the output pin of the IR Receiver is connected with GPIO D35.
For Bluetooth control, you can connect any Bluetooth or BLE modules with ESP32. In the above circuit, I connected the HC-05 Bluetooth module with ESP32.
If you want to use any 3.3V BLE module, refer to the following circuit.
The TX pin of the Bluetooth or BLE module is connected with the RX2 (GPIO16) pin of ESP32 for serial communication.
I have not used the inbuilt BLE of ESP32 as it is used to Reset WiFi details through OTA from the ESP RainMaker app.
I have used the INPUT_PULLUP function in Arduino IDE instead of using the pull-up resistors.
I have used a 5V 5A DC power supply.
Google Assistant & Alexa Control Relay Using ESP32
If the ESP32 is connected with WiFi, then you can control the home appliances with voice commands using Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa.
You can also control, and monitor the real-time feedback of the relays on the Google Home & Amazon Alexa App from anywhere in the world. You don't need any ECHO device or Google Home Nest device for this home automation project.
Control Relays With Bluetooth or BLE
If the ESP32 is not connected with WiFi, still you can control the relays from mobile using Bluetooth.
You can use any Bluetooth or BLE module. It will send the signal to ESP32 through serial communication.
First, pair the Bluetooth module, then connect the module with the Bluetooth Switch app.
Download the Bluetooth App from GitHub
IR Remote & Manual Switch Control Relay Using ESP32
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