
Finalizing the Receiver

A project log for Solar Powered WiFi Weather Station V4.0

An affordable Open Source Weather Station for Everyone

open-green-energyOpen Green Energy 09/12/2022 at 19:320 Comments

The receiver node is designed to receive the weather sensor data sent by the sender node from the field. Then display the received data on various platforms like ThinkSpeak, Blynk App, or on an e-paper display.

I have drawn the receiver schematic on the Autodesk eagle. The main features of the receiver units are:

1. Onboard power supply 

2. Charging Circuit for 18650 battery / LiPo Battery

3.  I2C headers for hookup sensors to monitor the indoor parameters

4.  SPI interface port for connecting an e-paper display.

5.  USB to Serial Programmer 
