Please stand by for details. 

More text will be added soon. 

The project details and all of the files are available for download at:

Wingspan: 1400mm
Length: 860mm prop to tail edge(depending on the type of cowl you choose)
Ready to fly weight: 950g to 1100g depending on your battery and material type (the red sample in the image is 1100g).
Main wing's angle of incidence: 1°
Wing surface: 20.5 dm2 (if configured like in my pictures)
Stall speed: 30.4Km/h (if configured like in my pictures)

Recommended battery:
Li-Po 4s, 3000-4000mAh would be ideal, but other battery sizes work. Try to keep it between these recommended sizes, because it will be easier to balance the plane without adding nose weight.

Motor and propeller:
Many combinations could work, but for the reference, the sample in the images use an AEORC Brushless Motor A28L MM2216 920KV 1270KV 3.0mm Shaft Brushless Outrunner Motor
from Aliexpress. the propeller is a 9x5 foldable one. This pair can technically achieve between 850 and 1000g of thrust.
I usually fly with 30% throttle
I used a 30A ESC and 2x SG90 servos. The receiver is a 7ch RX701 from Walkera.

At 53mm as you measure away from the wing's front edge. I inserted and glued in position a couple of round headed pins (see pictures). One on each side. I balance the plane by suspending it on these pin heads with my fingers. Make it rather slightly nose heavy and you can't go wrong. More info on the attached pictures.

Main gear:
The wheels are 3" polyurethane from the online stores. Other sizes work as well. I used large ones because of the grass. The wheels are being attached with a custom made aluminum bar. You can build one out of scrap materials you might have around the house. The one in the pictures is made out of 2mm extruded alu sheet. I will add a printable support and hopefully you will be able to print that out of PLA+ or PETG. A printable wheel support might not be that resistant when it comes to bumpy runaways. If you have a foldable propeller, you can even leave it without wheels and hand launch it. The height of this wheel support is also depending on your needs, prop diameter and runaway conditions.

Print it, have fun and post pictures so that I can rejoice with you.

You can always reach me out in the comments if you have questions.