Mesh networks are showing up everywhere. Meshes are used for home WiFi appliances, military tactical deployments, low power sensor networks, commercial data monitoring, and more. Early WiFi mesh hacking started with Linksys WRT54 home WiFi routers in the crowded 2.4 GHz Part 15 band. There are now Bluetooth and other ISM band radio meshes like LoRa meshes. OpenWRT is now available for a wide variety of commercial 802.11ac hardware products. Meshes are great for improving the range of a radio network. If there are a sufficient number of links, one failure will cause minimal network harm. The ease of set-up with plug and play operation is attractive for mobile/tactical operations. Nodes can move between groups and easily stay connected in a mobile mesh. The downside is reduced bandwidth with network overhead, increased latency and scalability problems. Meshes were intended for small deployments but can't be scaled for a large metropolitan area network.
I have watched as the deployment of the San Francisco Wireless Emergency Mesh (SFWEM) over the past three years. SFWEM is deploying AREDN (Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network) which is based on FOSS OpenWRT software running on several different commercial Part 15 devices. The AREDN software developers has a driver to QSY the radios to the Part 97 band for amateur radio use. AREDN on the Part 97 frequencies was a big motivation for hams. The AREDN gear was initially deployed as an appliance but undergoes constant software upgrades. It has never been tested as a RF network, has few users and little content.
Many mesh networks like AREDN are composed of half duplex (can either send or receive at the same time) nodes. Every packet transiting a node is first received and then resent. That reduces bandwidth by half. Six hops reduces bandwidth to 1.5% of original value. This can be fixed with full duplex nodes (simultaneous sending and receiving ), by adding new frequencies and links. Adjacent channel performance needs to be understood to create a frequency plan and device shielding may be required.
When OpenWRT was deployed more than a decade ago on commercial gear, Part 15 networks of all varieties popped up. While there have been many large Part 15 mesh attempts, none were successful. They were aimed at a variety of purposes and capabilities using different routing schemes (Babel, B.A.T.M.A.N., OSLR, etc.). They all shared the same Media Access Control (MAC) layer - CSMA. Early adopters of OpenWRT found that removing the proprietary TDMA systems with 802.11n ad-hoc mode hurt link performance but didn't appreciate the radio network side effects. AREDN's 802.11n ad-hoc mode CSMA uses RTS/CTS is to implement virtual carrier sensing in carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA). This helps with small loads but it has problems handling overload. There is nothing built into 802.11n ad hoc mode so performance is unspecified when overloaded. The same is true with AREDN.
CSMA works best in settings where there's a high capacity central hub and much lower speed clients with short bursts of traffic. Cell systems do that and work well unless overloaded with too many users. In a mesh, nodes connect as peers, so additional connections require bandwidth sharing, not a CSMA strong suit. It is understood that CSMA fails when overloaded, so I decided to find out how AREDN performs.
Experimenting with AREDN, I found that once link bandwidth capacity was approached, strange behavior including dead locks and network oscillations occurred without external stimulus. I also discovered that once capacity is reached, bandwidth allocation...
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