
Engram Layout Practice

A project log for Squeezebox Keyboard v2209

Iterating on the Squeezebox scooped split ergonomic keyboard. This version features a PCB instead of full hand wiring and choc mini switches

peter-lyonsPeter Lyons 10/22/2022 at 17:420 Comments

I reset my statistics on and started from scratch learning the engram layout variation I hope to use on the v2209 squeezebox. I've only got 8 letters in the practice set so far but I'm much better able to keep my fingers homed on the home corner with light contact to both the R1 and R2 home corner keys because each finger stays in its lane and the pinky never needs to reach up. Here's a few more photos I took for the reddit post so they end up in the hackaday gallery as well.


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