
Xts X-07

rebrained version of Canon X-07 with Teensy4.1

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from April 2022 I started to 'rebrain' a Canon X-07 handheld computer.

I decided to use a Teensy 4.1 to achieve this (& use builtin SDCard reader).

I used an OLED display 256x64 with the same aspect ratio than original LCD screen.
Added a DFPlayer to play MP3s, and a Teensy++2 to decode the Keyboard CCU board.

So the Keyboard is fully functional... ok w/ bugs some times :-)

I homebrewed a little Os + some programs like a BASIC, a RAYCASTER & a mini-zelda-gb version.

It's now capable of displaying 16colors pictures, play BUZZER tunes too, have serial lines ...

My code is portable & can run on :
- Teensy 4.1
- partialy on ESP32
- Desktop Computer
- Odroid Go Super (linux Game Console)

I later plan to make an HDMI dock w/ a Rpi.
  • 1 × Teensy 4.1 main MCU
  • 1 × Teensy ++2 Keyboard decoding
  • 1 × DFPlayer mp3 playback
  • 1 × Canon X-07 base handheld (chasis, keyboard, buzzer)
  • 1 × USB Battery 5v providing

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