
RF dreams

A project log for Standing desk remote control

Control multiple desks over wifi

lion-mclionheadlion mclionhead 02/22/2023 at 00:570 Comments

Having used the IR system for a while, an RF system would be decidedly better.  The desks cover a lot more ground & it's a bigger pain to get in position to control each one than it is to control a single appliance.  The mane task every day is putting them in sleeping position or awake position.  That requires moving around the room to point at each one.  Selecting desks with the dial has proved more convenient than pointing at each one.  An RF system is expensive though.  The Si4463 has been a well performing radio chip but it's expensive.  

There is the age old won hung lo 433Mhz pack of 5.

It has no modulation.  It just sends a carrier.

At least the existing IR system has proven better than a fixed panel on each desk.
