This is the next Iteration of my Y Ddraig 6800 computer.
- Motorola 68030 CPU running at up to 40Mhz
- 1MB of Static RAM
- 2 x 72-pin SIMM sockets
- 2 Serial ports
- PS/2 keyboard and mouse
- IDE interface
- Real-time clock
- RTL8019AS ethernet controller
- 4 x 32/16-bit expansion slots
While this is an extended version of my previous computer, i did want to keep comparability between the two where possible. Many of the same components are used which allows me to port existing code easily and the expansion slots have been expanded to 96-pin connector instead of the 64 pin on Y Ddraig. I chose the DIN 41612 connectors intentionally when I originally designed them so they could be extended if I ever designed a 32-bit computer. I've kept the original pinouts to keep comparability with the existing cards and I've used the additional pins to extend the 6803 signals and address and data buses.
Two XC95108 CPLDs are used. One fo the decoding logic and a second as the DRAM controller. Power is supplied using a standard ATX power supply.
Board has been designed and routed. Once I've verified the CPLD code and do some final checks on the design, the next step is to get the boards made and built up
wow! that looks like a really nice 68030 project!
Currently working on my own 68030 as well.