
Project Log 11: Someone else did it.

A project log for Converting Inkjet printers into FDM 3D printers

Inkjets could be used as an FDM Resin 3D printer by replacing the ink by other fluids and adding a Z axis.

fulanodetailFulanoDetail 01/14/2025 at 11:120 Comments
08:07 hours - Brasilia Timezone - 14 of January

Well, luckily for me, someone already did it, and they did it better and more professionally than me.

The playlist:

Well, the only difference is that he didn't use old, broken inkjet printers to make his project and had to make cusotm PCBs and other equipment.

And to be honest, I think that this is the more practical and efficient way.

Only god knows how difficult it would be to actually integrate every single thing of old/broken inkjet printers...
