
Repurposing an Accom Axial Control Panel

Turning an obsolete video editor console into a mothership-sized keyboard + trackball + stream deck

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Back in the 1990s, the Accom Axial was an awesome video editing system, but things turned digital and non-linear, and Accom became obsolete and closed up shop.

My plan is to convert this console to be useful in the context of a modern pc.

This is a write-up of a project I've been meaning to do for several years. This is my first ever serious reverse engineering endeavour, so this project log will likely be rather verbose and contain a lot of steps that are "obvious" to tinkerers more seasoned than yours truly.

# Origin

This is part of a console for a film/tv editing system. This is just the control panel; the actual brains of the thing, including the interfaces to the rest of the production equipment, reside in two separate rack-mounted chassis (yup, that's plural), which I don't have. Not that I even want them; those cost several times as much as the control panel itself, which is already plenty expensive -- and besides, I don't plan to use it for film production anyway, although back in the day I used to work with ones just like this.

The manufacturer, Accom, folded in late 2005. Their web site is now defunct, and their documentation is not that easy to come by since the archive does not include their FTP site. I have since found that support continued under the Abekas name, which was eventually acquired by Canada-based Ross Video. I have reached out to current and former staff at these companies, contacts listed as international distributors, and repair centres around the world -- in the hope that someone, somewhere, has kept some of the old paperwork around and is willing to share. So far, no luck. This means I'll have to reverse engineer it.

## Physical appearance

The control panel is fairly hefty: The thing weighs around 7.7kg, is 78cm wide, 16cm tall, and 32cm deep.

Control panel (from original brochure)
Control panel (from original brochure)

In total, there are 189 buttons, 23 of which are individually lightable, arranged into a full qwerty layout, a combined numeric/navigation block, five clusters of 12 keys each, other minor clusters, and a 2x40 character VFD display with a blue-on-black colour scheme surrounded by six sets of lighted switches, dial knobs, and keys. There's also a large trackball (although with no mouse buttons nearby), and a solid-metal jog wheel.

## What am I building?

My plan is to convert this console to be useful in the context of a modern pc. How to achieve this depends on whether I can work with the original guts.

I want to make the control panel work as a USB HID input device. However, this thing has a lot of blinkenlights, and it would be a shame to not use them! Just off the top of my mind, the display and those dials could be used to select audio in/out devices and adjust volume levels; per-app tool setting adjustments; media center integration; home automation; etc.

I expect to need some form of configuration tool so that keys can be mapped to keystrokes or macros, and dials to various scalar controls. Hopefully, I'll be able to use the VFD to offer on-device management of macros and configuration, because that section just begs to be used for that purpose. Wouldn't that be something?

I also expect to need a small (desktop/cli/daemon) program running on the pc in order to provide whatever data might be useful to indicate on the VFD and lighted keys.

### Y U No Stream Deck?

I came across the term "Stream Deck", which is apparently the product name of a glorified macro keyboard that costs just over half as much as my entire console did. As with everything, it has its pro's and con's, and "of course" it has no Linux software. But hey, here's the keyword should you be searching for it.

Of course, there are free alternatives, such as deej. I haven't looked too closely at that yet; I might be able to make use it or some of its ideas.

This script will automatically print out text logged over the serial port of a USB-attached STM32.

x-shellscript - 1.90 kB - 03/04/2025 at 12:18


  • 1 × Axial Accom Control Panel This, of course, is the foundation for the rest. It's not easy to come by though.
  • 1 × Teensy 3.5 Or other 5-compatible microcontroller
  • 2 × 34-pin box header Socket for 34-pin ribbon cable
  • 1 × 34-pin ribbon cable This is pretty much a floppy disk drive cable, except without the crossover part.
  • 1 × Interface PCB See:

  • 2025: The Reboot™

    noughtnaut6 days ago 0 comments

    # Why?

    My motivation for this entire thing is simply that I used to work on one of these back when I was working in the film and television industry. I still think it's a cool piece of technology that would be fun to have around. Not for video editing -- that era is firmly gone -- but as a toy, or a console for home automation, and surely as a conversation piece (I have thought of wall-mounting it. It's not as subtle as a Z80 next to a Firefly doorframe).

    In my opinion, the key switches are frankly quite too crummy for any serious typing. The acoustics are unpleasant and the linear travel give zero tactile feedback when a keypress has registered. That means I won't ever use this as any sort of "primary" keyboard, but nevertheless this is a fun project that will certainly be a learning experience.

    I'll say this: my kids love to pretend-type and fiddle around with all the knobs. This thing is practically begging to have a whack-a-mole style reaction game built into it. Also, those dials and displays look like they might be used to make a fine controller for Kerbal Space Program, do they not?

    # Director's commentary

    I originally started this project in August of 2022 when, after having dreamt about this for several years, I finally managed to snag an old console from an online auction. It cost around 270 USD including transatlantic shipping and was missing a power supply, but I figured I'd be able to work something out. Also, the listing was only for the console and did not include its back-end video editing "brains" (which I wasn't going to need anyway).

    As life events happened, this project got put on hold for over a year but was eventually resumed. This was going to be my first reverse-engineering, firmware-tinkering, microcontroller-programming endeavour so I made copious research and notes. Initially I chose a Teensy 3.5 board because of its plethora of 5V-tolerant GPIO pins and easy USB HID device mode. I had success implementing the "regular keyboard" part as well as mapping some of the extra keys ("Eject" obviously, but also "File Manager" and such), and even got the display output working. But, alas, shortly after I resumed work on the project the Teensy stopped responding over USB and some of the power-regulating circuitry was clearly roasting. Conceding that the 3.5 is now obsolete (and just as hard to come by as the console) I then switched horses to an STM32 device which set my implementation back a bit while I figured out how to make it safely interact with 5V TTL components.

    I figured it was time to take a moment to take stock and condense my meandering newbie logs into something more presentable. So what follows is a rewrite of a number of my original project logs.

    # Open source

    Not that there was ever any doubt, it just took me a moment to have something worthy of sharing: this project is naturally open source insofar as that even makes sense, given that the intended hardware for it is both rare and expensive. As of this writing, the code resides at GitHub and is under a 3-clause BSD license.

    # Origin

    This is part of a console for a film/tv editing system. This is just the control panel; the actual brains of the thing, including the interfaces to the rest of the production equipment, reside in two separate rack-mounted chassis (yup, that's plural), which I don't have. Not that it matters; those cost several times as much as the control panel itself, which is already plenty expensive. Besides, I don't plan to use it for film production anyway, although back in the day I used to work with ones just like this.

    A now-extinct species, as seen in the wild
    A now-extinct species, as seen in the wild

    The manufacturer, Accom, folded in late 2005. Their web site is now defunct, and their documentation is not that easy to come by since the archive does not include their FTP site. I have since found that support continued under the Abekas name, which was eventually acquired by Canada-based Ross Video. I have reached out to current and former...

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Gravis wrote 01/17/2023 at 13:49 point

I just found this project and that is a wild keyboard. Do tell us how the rocket launch goes. ;)

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noughtnaut wrote 01/17/2023 at 14:21 point

Ha thanks, wild is a good descriptor. Come to think of it, I just recently got myself a copy of Kerbal Space Program ... and there are so many control panels (eg. [Gegi](, I have been considering implementing a "KSP mode". ^_^

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