
Doly's SBC

Single board computer for robot doly.

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More than 3 years ago, i started a robot project based on ARM with Linux OS. Project goal is to create a companion robot with AI features and support Block based coding for creativity. Actually i almost completed project Doly a few months ago and planed a Kickstarter campaign. After some marketing effort lots of people wants to see more features, like connectivity (gpios, commmunication ports) Than i decided to go more flexible and open Doly. Currently i am working on new version but i want to share current version details with you. So you could create your own robot based on this.

This is a single board computer with ARM 64 (Allwinner A64) with 1 Gb RAM, AXP803 PMU, wifi + bluetooth, 5x dc motor controller with encoder input, 2x RGB led input, 4x ir sensor, 2 way speaker and mic input, TOF sensor input, Touch sensor input, Uart io, MPU6050 gyro + accel, 2x spi LCD input and camera

You could access schematics, PCB design and BOM file from project source

The project DTS (device tree) is based on pine64, i update dts file for audio, bluetooth, camera(OV5640) and some power controls. I attached a working armbian build based on this device tree. If you have any questions about project please let me know.

Here is the Armbian 5.10.43 Buster build for this single board computer.


updated DTS (device tree) file

DTS Audio - 8.38 kB - 09/16/2022 at 20:38


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