
Lens Cut + Files (THE LENS ARRIVED ^^ )

A project log for The PsuedoPancakes

Because paying $2k for a piece of plastic is BS. IPD system included.

walkerdevWalkerDev 04/19/2023 at 00:070 Comments

The cut design has finally arrived and I have managed to test it with great success!

Overall, the lens are a success! The FOV vertically is wide to the point where I have to strain my eye to see the top and bottom of the lens! I am working on extending the horizontal FOV as it is comparable to the Quest 2, but WE MUST GO BETTER! In the next cut, I will make the lens bigger!

Currently, the images are extremely clear and do not require an extremely bright screen! However, there is an obvious chromatic abbreviation and some God Rays, which I can fix with a hot mirror! The entire lens is clear and there is no sweet spot, as the entire lens is completely clear instead of there being a blur effect from what i've seen! It is a little hard to see very small text, but that is probably because i'm testing VIA my phone, where I can see the pixels in some images! Warping also is not very present! 

I am not sure about the chromatic abbreviation since I used my phone and the proper VR display before, and while the chromatic abbreviation and godrays were present in the phone test, it was not in the display test!

I use two lens here, a 60mm and 70mm focal length design, both lens being cut from a 70mm diameter! I used the following:

If you ask them to cut WalkerDev's design, they will know to cut the v1 for now!

This costed me around $16 to make enough for a headset! That currently is 0.8 percent of the cost I was given when I requested a pancake lens originally! have 4 pairs but have kept the others closed while I work on a cardboard design to test it!

 In the files section of the project, i've attached both an STL and DWG of it for use! You have to play with the distance as i've yet to design the other systems like an IPD adjuster! I also attached a model of a model for a lens holder!

Feel free to make it, share what you find and more in the Discord Server here!

In the next update I will upgrade the horizontal FOV and possibly attempt to add a hot mirror to help with the chromatic abbreviation problem! Or maybe test the lens on a proper display and check if the chromatic abbreviation exists then!

Please adhere to the license guidelines at the bio!

(I will put the measurements of spacing for the eyes to lens later within the week)
