1 Intro
The Enecsys Gateway is a Zigbee gateway allowing communications between the Enecsys microinverters and their monitoring backend. The Enecsys company is unfortunately defunct since 2015 and their DNS domains have been taken over by a UK enecsys owner who created his own monitoring system on https://enecsys-monitoring.com/
2 Network interface
2.1 Port scans
TCP port scan results for the gateway's IPv4 address:
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2022-08-15 22:08 CEST Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 22:08 Scanning [1 port] Completed ARP Ping Scan at 22:08, 0.06s elapsed (1 total hosts) Initiating SYN Stealth Scan at 22:08 Scannnnning [65535 ports] Discovered open port 80/tcp on SYN Stealth Scan Timing: About 20.07% done; ETC: 22:11 (0:02:03 remaining) SYN Stealth Scan Timing: About 41.88% done; ETC: 22:11 (0:01:25 remaining) SYN Stealth Scan Timing: About 58.10% done; ETC: 22:11 (0:01:06 remaining) SYN Stealth Scan Timing: About 79.32% done; ETC: 22:11 (0:00:32 remaining) Completed SYN Stealth Scan at 22:11, 167.83s elapsed (65535 total ports) Nmap scan report for Host is up, received arp-response (0.0094s latency). Scanned at 2022-08-15 22:08:48 CEST for 168s Not shown: 65534 filtered ports Reason: 65534 no-responses Some closed ports may be reported as filtered due to --defeat-rst-ratelimit PORT STATE SERVICE REASON 80/tcp open http syn-ack ttl 100 MAC Address: 34:C6:9A:00:16:D4 (Enecsys) Read data files from: /usr/bin/../share/nmap Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 168.05 seconds Raw packets sent: 131198 (5.773MB) | Rcvd: 136 (6.115KB)
UDP port scan results for the gateway's IPv4 address:
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2022-08-15 22:12 CEST Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 22:12 Scanning [1 port] Completed ARP Ping Scan at 22:12, 0.06s elapsed (1 total hosts) Initiating UDP Scan at 22:12 Scanning [65535 ports] UDP Scan Timing: About 2.24% done; ETC: 22:35 (0:22:33 remaining) UDP Scan Timing: About 4.75% done; ETC: 22:34 (0:21:24 remaining) UDP Scan Timing: About 8.86% done; ETC: 22:34 (0:20:14 remaining) UDP Scan Timing: About 13.66% done; ETC: 22:34 (0:19:04 remaining) UDP Scan Timing: About 18.69% done; ETC: 22:34 (0:17:55 remaining) UDP Scan Timing: About 23.71% done; ETC: 22:34 (0:16:47 remaining) UDP Scan Timing: About 28.74% done; ETC: 22:34 (0:15:40 remaining) UDP Scan Timing: About 33.76% done; ETC: 22:34 (0:14:33 remaining) UDP Scan Timing: About 40.70% done; ETC: 22:33 (0:13:01 remaining) UDP Scan Timing: About 45.72% done; ETC: 22:33 (0:11:55 remaining) UDP Scan Timing: About 50.75% done; ETC: 22:33 (0:10:48 remaining) UDP Scan Timing: About 55.77% done; ETC: 22:33 (0:09:42 remaining) UDP Scan Timing: About 60.80% done; ETC: 22:33 (0:08:36 remaining) UDP Scan Timing: About 65.82% done; ETC: 22:33 (0:07:30 remaining) UDP Scan Timing: About 70.85% done; ETC: 22:33 (0:06:23 remaining) UDP Scan Timing: About 76.11% done; ETC: 22:33 (0:05:14 remaining) UDP Scan Timing: About 81.13% done; ETC: 22:33 (0:04:08 remaining) UDP Scan Timing: About 86.16% done; ETC: 22:33 (0:03:02 remaining) UDP Scan Timing: About 91.19% done; ETC: 22:33 (0:01:56 remaining) UDP Scan Timing: About 96.21% done; ETC: 22:33 (0:00:50 remaining) Completed UDP Scan at 22:33, 1314.24s elapsed (65535 total ports) Nmap scan report for Host is up, received arp-response (0.0027s latency). All 65535 scanned ports on are open|filtered because of 65535 no-responses MAC Address: 34:C6:9A:00:16:D4 (Enecsys) Read data files from: /usr/bin/../share/nmap Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1314.44 seconds Raw packets sent: 131071 (3.676MB) | Rcvd: 74 (4.290KB)
2.2 The Web Interface
The default credentials for the web interface are admin/password. You can tell that the gateway is (c) 2009 as there is no way to change the admin password ;).
The following endpoints have been detected on the device:
Endpoint | Description | Notes |
/index.htm | '' | |
/debug.htm | Debug interface HTML layout | |
/ajax.xml | Debug interface polling endpoint | |
/mpfsupload | MPFS Image Upload |
2.2.1 Main user interface
The main user interface has basic settings like IP address and it can be used to set the remote monitoring server hostname and port. Apart from that NTP and proxy can be configured. Here is a screenshot of the main UI:
2.2.2 Debug Interface
The debug interface allows us to see what messages the Zigbee Module UART sends to the main MCU. These appear to be raw decrypted contents of Zigbee frames from the inverters as well as some traffic generated by the Zigbee module firmware itself even when there are no inverters connected. Some of the layout of these messages has been reverse engineered in the section near the end of the document. There is also a status display about the Zigbee network and monitoring server connection. The interface itself looks like this:
The debug UI polls the /ajax.xml endpoint in the background in order to receive the data about the latest messages received from the Zigbee module. The endpoint returns the following XML:
#+BEGINajaxxml <response> <zigbeeData></zigbeeData> <serverData></serverData> <connectionStatus>Offline</connectionStatus> <connectionUptime>-NA-</connectionUptime> <lastConnectionUptime>000:00:00</lastConnectionUptime> <connectionUptimeSinceReset>000:00:00</connectionUptimeSinceReset> <totalConnects>0</totalConnects> <connectionDowntime>000:23:21</connectionDowntime> <lastConnectionDowntime>-NA-</lastConnectionDowntime> <connectionDowntimeSinceReset>000:23:21</connectionDowntimeSinceReset> <timeSinceReset>000:23:21</timeSinceReset> <devicesInNetwork>0</devicesInNetwork> <device0></device0> <device1></device1> <device2></device2> <device3></device3> <device4></device4> <device5></device5> <device6></device6> <device7></device7> <device8></device8> <device9></device9> <device10></device10> <device11></device11> <device12></device12> <device13></device13> <device14></device14> <device15></device15> <device16></device16> <device17></device17> <device18></device18> <device19></device19> <device20></device20> <device21></device21> <device22></device22> <device23></device23> <device24></device24> <device25></device25> <device26></device26> <device27></device27> <device28></device28> <device29></device29> <device30></device30> <device31></device31> <device32></device32> <device33></device33> <device34></device34> <device35></device35> <device36></device36> <device37></device37> <device38></device38> <device39></device39> <device40></device40> <device41></device41> <device42></device42> <device43></device43> <device44></device44> <device45></device45> <device46></device46> <device47></device47> <device48></device48> <device49></device49> <device50></device50> <device51></device51> <device52></device52> <device53></device53> <device54></device54> <device55></device55> <device56></device56> <device57></device57> <device58></device58> <device59></device59> <device60></device60> <device61></device61> <device62></device62> <device63></device63> <device64></device64> <device65></device65> <device66></device66> <device67></device67> <device68></device68> <device69></device69> <device70></device70> <device71></device71> <device72></device72> <device73></device73> <device74></device74> <device75></device75> <device76></device76> <device77></device77> <device78></device78> <device79></device79> <device80></device80> <device81></device81> <device82></device82> <device83></device83> <device84></device84> <device85></device85> <device86></device86> <device87></device87> <device88></device88> <device89></device89> <device90></device90> <device91></device91> <device92></device92> <device93></device93> <device94></device94> <device95></device95> <device96></device96> <device97></device97> <device98></device98> <device99></device99> </response> #+ENDpacket
2.2.3 The MPFS upload
The MPFS is an internal HTTP upload server enabled by default in the Microchip TCP/IP stack. This feature can be used to upload files into the internal flash and possibly even modify firmware. There has been at least one device where this is possible: https://vulners.com/talos/TALOS-2018-0511. In the case of our device this won't be much use however as all of the Zigbee traffic encryption happens in the Zigbee module and the Microchip MCU is just a simple bridge which forwards the messages to the remote monitoring server.
3 Zigbee Radio
The gateway contains a ETRX2-PA Zigbee module manufactured by Telegesis. More information about this module can be found in the page describing the Enecsys SMI-360-72 Inverter. When the gateway boots and initializes its radio interfaces it starts to send broadcast frames every 15 seconds:
No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info 1 0.000000 0x0000 Broadcast ZigBee 47 Command, Dst: Broadcast, Src: 0x0000 Frame 1: 47 bytes on wire (376 bits), 47 bytes captured (376 bits) on interface -, id 0 Interface id: 0 (-) Encapsulation type: IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless PAN (104) Arrival Time: Sep 21, 2022 20:43:42.000000000 CEST [Time shift for this packet: 0.000000000 seconds] Epoch Time: 1663785822.000000000 seconds [Time delta from previous captured frame: 0.000000000 seconds] [Time delta from previous displayed frame: 0.000000000 seconds] [Time since reference or first frame: 0.000000000 seconds] Frame Number: 1 Frame Length: 47 bytes (376 bits) Capture Length: 47 bytes (376 bits) [Frame is marked: False] [Frame is ignored: False] [Protocols in frame: wpan:zbee_nwk:data] IEEE 802.15.4 Data, Dst: Broadcast, Src: 0x0000 Frame Control Field: 0x8841, Frame Type: Data, PAN ID Compression, Destination Addressing Mode: Short/16-bit, Frame Version: IEEE Std 802.15.4-2003, Source Addressing Mode: Short/16-bit Sequence Number: 227 Destination PAN: 0x0064 Destination: 0xffff Source: 0x0000 [Extended Source: Enecsys_00:77:35:c1:a9 (34:c6:9a:00:77:35:c1:a9)] [Origin: 1] FCS: 0xd8bc (Correct) ZigBee Network Layer Command, Dst: Broadcast, Src: 0x0000 Frame Control Field: 0x1209, Frame Type: Command, Discover Route: Suppress, Security, Extended Source Command Destination: 0xfffc Source: 0x0000 Radius: 1 Sequence Number: 23 Extended Source: Enecsys_00:77:35:c1:a9 (34:c6:9a:00:77:35:c1:a9) ZigBee Security Header Data (2 bytes) 0000 9c 39 .9 Frame 2: 47 bytes on wire (376 bits), 47 bytes captured (376 bits) on interface -, id 0 Interface id: 0 (-) Encapsulation type: IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless PAN (104) Arrival Time: Sep 21, 2022 20:43:58.070981000 CEST [Time shift for this packet: 0.000000000 seconds] Epoch Time: 1663785838.070981000 seconds [Time delta from previous captured frame: 16.070981000 seconds] [Time delta from previous displayed frame: 16.070981000 seconds] [Time since reference or first frame: 16.070981000 seconds] Frame Number: 2 Frame Length: 47 bytes (376 bits) Capture Length: 47 bytes (376 bits) [Frame is marked: False] [Frame is ignored: False] [Protocols in frame: wpan:zbee_nwk:data] IEEE 802.15.4 Data, Dst: Broadcast, Src: 0x0000 Frame Control Field: 0x8841, Frame Type: Data, PAN ID Compression, Destination Addressing Mode: Short/16-bit, Frame Version: IEEE Std 802.15.4-2003, Source Addressing Mode: Short/16-bit Sequence Number: 228 Destination PAN: 0x0064 Destination: 0xffff Source: 0x0000 [Extended Source: Enecsys_00:77:35:c1:a9 (34:c6:9a:00:77:35:c1:a9)] [Origin: 1] FCS: 0x6a0b (Correct) ZigBee Network Layer Command, Dst: Broadcast, Src: 0x0000 Frame Control Field: 0x1209, Frame Type: Command, Discover Route: Suppress, Security, Extended Source Command Destination: 0xfffc Source: 0x0000 Radius: 1 Sequence Number: 24 Extended Source: Enecsys_00:77:35:c1:a9 (34:c6:9a:00:77:35:c1:a9) ZigBee Security Header Data (2 bytes) 0000 37 38 78
Some more beacons can be found in gateway-beacon.txt. Unfortunately the beacons are encrypted with an unknown Zigbee Network key. This key is likely preconfigured as it would make sense for such a closed-loop system. Trying to decrypt the messages using the typical Zigbee key used by the Home Automation Profile (0x5A 0x69 0x67 0x42 0x65 0x65 0x41 0x6C 0x6C 0x69 0x61 0x6E 0x63 0x65 0x30 0x39) does not work.
As for the inverter, when it boots it first sends out a standard Beacon Request Zigbee packet every 77 (sic!) seconds, see traffic inverter-beacon.txt:
No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info 1 0.000000 Broadcast IEEE 802.15.4 10 Beacon Request Frame 1: 10 bytes on wire (80 bits), 10 bytes captured (80 bits) on interface -, id 0 IEEE 802.15.4 Command, Dst: Broadcast Frame Control Field: 0x0803, Frame Type: Command, Destination Addressing Mode: Short/16-bit, Frame Version: IEEE Std 802.15.4-2003, Source Addressing Mode: None Sequence Number: 81 Destination PAN: 0xffff Destination: 0xffff Command Identifier: Beacon Request (0x07) FCS: 0x6d72 (Correct) No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info 2 77.003990 Broadcast IEEE 802.15.4 10 Beacon Request Frame 2: 10 bytes on wire (80 bits), 10 bytes captured (80 bits) on interface -, id 0 IEEE 802.15.4 Command, Dst: Broadcast Frame Control Field: 0x0803, Frame Type: Command, Destination Addressing Mode: Short/16-bit, Frame Version: IEEE Std 802.15.4-2003, Source Addressing Mode: None Sequence Number: 97 Destination PAN: 0xffff Destination: 0xffff Command Identifier: Beacon Request (0x07) FCS: 0xaaa2 (Correct) No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info 3 154.014790 Broadcast IEEE 802.15.4 10 Beacon Request Frame 3: 10 bytes on wire (80 bits), 10 bytes captured (80 bits) on interface -, id 0 IEEE 802.15.4 Command, Dst: Broadcast Frame Control Field: 0x0803, Frame Type: Command, Destination Addressing Mode: Short/16-bit, Frame Version: IEEE Std 802.15.4-2003, Source Addressing Mode: None Sequence Number: 113 Destination PAN: 0xffff Destination: 0xffff Command Identifier: Beacon Request (0x07) FCS: 0xe812 (Correct)
After receiving an answer to the Beacon Request from the gateway the standard association process starts. This has been captured and is available in zigbee-inverter-connect.pcapng and inverter-associate.txt as a text dump. After the exchange of some data back and forth the gateway indicates that the inverter is connected by incrementing a counter on the LCD.
4 Zigbee Messages Format
A number of messages have been captured so far when the device and inverter were in various operational modes. Based on the knowledge gained the development of a parser for the messages has been started: enecsys-watch-zigbee.py
WZ=qcE1dwCaxjQAAAZhIQEAAAAMClP1BfcFAJrGNEg=AE,S=2000011689 sent when inverter connects 00000000 a9 c1 35 77 00 9a c6 34 00 00 07 51 21 01 00 00 |..5w...4...Q!...| 00000010 00 0f 0a 53 f5 05 f7 05 00 9a c6 34 48 |...S.......4H| 0000001d the first 8 bytes are the gateway Zigbee MAC address (34:c6:9a:00:77:35:c1:a9) next we get some data and then the inverter MAC address (34:c6:9a:00:05:f7:05:f5) WZ=qcE1dwCaxjQAAAaSIQEAAAAOClOpwTV3AJrGNEg=0E,S=2000011689 these are from the gateway itself 00000000 a9 c1 35 77 00 9a c6 34 00 00 06 92 21 01 00 00 |..5w...4....!...| 00000010 00 0e 0a 53 a9 c1 35 77 00 9a c6 34 48 |...S..5w...4H| 0000001d This one is different, we don't have the inverter MAC but something else inverter serial on barcode 01 00 04 50 29 (dec) 01 00 04 32 1d (hex) inverter serial on label 00 00 61 75 77 (dex) 00 00 3d 4b 4d (hex) WS=9QX3BQCaxjQAAAbLIQEAAAAAFDADiAEAAgAAAAAAAAAYAY0AAwQF00 00000000 f5 05 f7 05 00 9a c6 34 00 00 06 cb 21 01 00 00 |.......4....!...| 00000010 00 00 14 30 03 88 01 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |...0............| 00000020 18 01 8d 00 03 04 05 |.......| 00000027 First 8 bytes are the MAC address of the inverter (34:c6:9a:00:05:f7:05:f5), later we have something that appears to be data from the inverter WZ=qcE1dwCaxjQAAAdRIQEAAAAPClP1BfcFAJrGNEg=60,S=2000011689 00000000 a9 c1 35 77 00 9a c6 34 00 00 07 51 21 01 00 00 |..5w...4...Q!...| 00000010 00 0f 0a 53 f5 05 f7 05 00 9a c6 34 48 |...S.......4H| 0000001d WS=9QX3BQCaxjQAAAdYIQIAAAAAFDADiAEAAgAAAAAAAAAZAY0AAwAF81 00000000 f5 05 f7 05 00 9a c6 34 00 00 07 58 21 02 00 00 |.......4...X!...| 00000010 00 00 14 30 03 88 01 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |...0............| 00000020 19 01 8d 00 03 00 05 |.......| 00000027 WS=9QX3BQCaxjQAAAdYIQIAAAAAFDADiAEAAgAAAAAAAAAZAY0AAwAF81 << these seem to come from the inverter 00000000 f5 05 f7 05 00 9a c6 34 00 00 07 58 21 02 00 00 |.......4...X!...| 00000010 00 00 14 30 03 88 01 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |...0............| 00000020 19 01 8d 00 03 00 05 |.......| 00000027 WS=9QX3BQCaxjQAAAe7IQEAAAACFDADiAEAAgAAAAAAADgZAY0AAwAF44 00000000 f5 05 f7 05 00 9a c6 34 00 00 07 bb 21 01 00 00 |.......4....!...| 00000010 00 02 14 30 03 88 01 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 38 |...0...........8| 00000020 19 01 8d 00 03 00 05 |.......| 00000027 WS=9QX3BQCaxjQAAAkkIQEAAAAFFDADiAEAAgAAAAAAADgZAY0AAwAF8A 00000000 f5 05 f7 05 00 9a c6 34 00 00 09 24 21 01 00 00 |.......4...$!...| 00000010 00 05 14 30 03 88 01 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 38 |...0...........8| 00000020 19 01 8d 00 03 00 05 |.......| 00000027 WZ=qcE1dwCaxjQAAAkyIQEAAAATClP1BfcFAJrGNEg=7A,S=2000011689 00000000 a9 c1 35 77 00 9a c6 34 00 00 09 32 21 01 00 00 |..5w...4...2!...| 00000010 00 13 0a 53 f5 05 f7 05 00 9a c6 34 48 |...S.......4H| 0000001d WZ=qcE1dwCaxjQAAAljIQEAAAAUClOpwTV3AJrGNEg=E9,S=2000011689 00000000 a9 c1 35 77 00 9a c6 34 00 00 09 63 21 01 00 00 |..5w...4...c!...| 00000010 00 14 0a 53 a9 c1 35 77 00 9a c6 34 48 |...S..5w...4H| 0000001d WS=9QX3BQCaxjQAAAoUIQEAAAAHFDADiAEAAgAAAAAAADgaAY0AAwAF5B 00000000 f5 05 f7 05 00 9a c6 34 00 00 0a 14 21 01 00 00 |.......4....!...| 00000010 00 07 14 30 03 88 01 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 38 |...0...........8| 00000020 1a 01 8d 00 03 00 05 |.......| 00000027 WZ=qcE1dwCaxjQAAAoiIQEAAAAVClP1BfcFAJrGNEg=22,S=2000011689 WZ=qcE1dwCaxjQAAApTIQEAAAAWClOpwTV3AJrGNEg=BD,S=2000011689 WS=9QX3BQCaxjQAAAqMIQEAAAAIFDADiAEAAgAAAAAAADgaAY0AAwAF44 WS=9QX3BQCaxjQAAAsEIQEAAAAJFDADiAEAAgAAAAAAADgaAY0AAwAF1E WZ=qcE1dwCaxjQAAAz0IQEAAAAbClP1BfcFAJrGNEg=C9,S=2000011689 WZ=qcE1dwCaxjQAAA0lIQEAAAAcClOpwTV3AJrGNEg=BC,S=2000011689 WS=9QX3BQCaxjQAAA3WIQEAAAAPFDADiAEAAgAAAAAAADgaAY0AAwAFCF WZ=qcE1dwCaxjQAAA4VIQEAAAAeClOpwTV3AJrGNEg=A0,S=2000011689 WS=9QX3BQCaxjQAAA5OIQEAAAAQFDADiAEAAgAAAAAAADgaAY0AAwAF9D WS=9QX3BQCaxjQAAD2_IQEAAAB1FDADiAEAAgAAAAAAADgdAY0AAwAF46 WZ=qcE1dwCaxjQAAD6-IQEAAACFClP1BfcFAJrGNEg=48,S=2000011689 Vdc = 36V 36 dec == 24 hex WS=9QX3BQCaxjQAAEs1IQEAAAALFDADiAMAAgAAAAAAADgdAY4AAwAFCB 00000000: F5 05 F7 05 00 9A C6 34 00 00 4B 35 21 01 00 00 .......4..K5!... 00000010: 00 0B 14 30 03 88 03 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 38 ...0...........8 00000020: 1D 01 8E 00 03 00 05 ....... WS=9QX3BQCaxjQAAEuuIQEAAAAMFDADiAMAAgAAAAAAADgdAY4AAwAF2E 00000000: F5 05 F7 05 00 9A C6 34 00 00 4B AE 21 01 00 00 .......4..K.!... 00000010: 00 0C 14 30 03 88 03 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 38 ...0...........8 00000020: 1D 01 8E 00 03 00 05 Vdc = 42V 42 dec == 2a hex WS=9QX3BQCaxjQAAE0WIQEAAAAPFDADiAMAAgAAAAAAAEUdAY4AAwAF29 00000000: F5 05 F7 05 00 9A C6 34 00 00 4D 16 21 01 00 00 .......4..M.!... 00000010: 00 0F 14 30 03 88 03 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 45 ...0...........E 00000020: 1D 01 8E 00 03 00 05 ....... WS=9QX3BQCaxjQAAE2OIQEAAAAQFDADiAMAAgAAAAAAAEUdAY4AAwAFE5 00000000: F5 05 F7 05 00 9A C6 34 00 00 4D 8E 21 01 00 00 .......4..M.!... 00000010: 00 10 14 30 03 88 03 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 45 ...0...........E 00000020: 1D 01 8E 00 03 00 05 ....... WS=9QX3BQCaxjQAAE4HIQEAAAARFDADiAMAAgAAAAAAAEUdAY4AAwAFE1 00000000: F5 05 F7 05 00 9A C6 34 00 00 4E 07 21 01 00 00 .......4..N.!... 00000010: 00 11 14 30 03 88 03 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 45 ...0...........E 00000020: 1D 01 8E 00 03 00 05 .......