I found an actual DP multiplexer hub thing (that can extend screens not just mirror or redirect them) for the low price of <£30 and it uses a female port for display in, meaning that it could be possible to have it integrated into the system such that only 1 DP is needed from the perspective of the user. There's also a silver one with a cable pre-attached.
Now, I've also been window shopping for mini PCs, laptops and the emerging x86 handhelds because I like the idea of SimulaVR but don't like the look of the price or the massive head turning angles between monitors, as well as the 35PPD.
Considering that I can easily see the text on the virtual in this image that only takes up a fraction of my entire screen, I could probably fit more content on 1 TyMist virtual monitor than 10 SimulaVR ones. Back in my day, I managed quite a bit with 1366x768 screens, so I could have 6 1410x940 (3:2) screens visible (with padding, 1440x960 without) visible with the 2880x2880 visible area.
It's tablet sized, but imagine working with 6 tablets that you don't have to hold or mount. At the expected viewing distance of 6m, they're the equivalent of 74 inch screens.Anyway, back to what I was saying. Finding something with dual HDMI is straightforward, but 1 or more DP is much harder to come by. I'm thinking of limiting my search to TB4 devices, because I just realised that the bandwidth exceeds that of an Nvme drive (and later that TB can route a direct PCIe connection) so it should be possible to connect a Windows drive and boot assuming the BIOS has the relevant features implemented. This would mean that I could have multiple PC's without any of the synchronisation issues. It might be a good thing I specifically looked for TB ports on #Teti [gd0022]'s motherboard. They're not as popular on desktops as I'd thought they'd be. If there are 2 TB ports and no DP, I could use that £11 adapter I also found to get me the video out I need.
I also want to keep tabs on Pimax's recently announced MiniStation, which is a WiGig enabled mini pc with battery:
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