Ah yeus... something that, once again, looked fine in my mind but isn't geometrically viable, so the resultant solution looks bulkier than expected.The issue stems from the final fresnels across the IPD range. Actually, I don't think I properly remembered how far from the front of my face the combiner actually sticks out.Yeah this is a lot closer to what I was imagining.Maybe a fusion of the 2 concept ideas could work out?Yeah like increase the diameter so that there's ample amount of cusioning space at the back of the head, then add a thing at the top. Disregard the part where the 2 transparent parts collide for now...Ok, the look doesn't outright fail. It looks like a royal guard from 2060. I probably wouldn't fit the decollimator in that front lip though. I guess if space was less of a limitation, it could look like this:Ok now I'm getting somwhere that looks large but modern.
I actually like the tall hat more, but this does look sleeker to ride a bike with. It certainly looks more like something that would come out of a kickstarter and not a cosplay catalouge (do those exist?).
This gives me an idea. Now that there's another window to handle the sides of my eyes, I could have a reflective panel that can fold away:
I can already feel the crisp and fresh air just looking at this concept. The middle of the LED ring is dark because the combiner folds over it. The only shame is that I can't have that Thunderbird 5 idea where the PLDC covered cylindrical door slowly rotates around the background of the virtual monitors.
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