
The CRV001 LCD, Explained

A project log for Cricut Hacking

Putting Marlin 2.x on the Cricut Expression because, well, why not? Also, some reverse engineering on CRV001

jc-nelsonJ.C. Nelson 09/30/2022 at 01:440 Comments

I took the LCD apart and recognized it as some sort of simple parallel interface.  After some futzing, here's the pinouts, working:

// LCD is a HD44780, 16, 2.
// Numbering from the LCD board itself
// 01   | GND
// 02   | VCC (5v)
// 03   | RS
// 04   | RW
// 05   | EN
// 06   | D4
// 07   | Data5 7 R
// 08   | Data6 6 B
// 09   | Data7 5 Y
// 10   | BACKLIGHT 4 W
