These might be useful as a source of example programs. Most of them rely on graphics, or Cortex hardware, so few are good for my text-only board. Oh well, at least this index will be of interest to Cortex users.
Issues 1, 5 and 8 have not appeared on the internet yet.
Not available yet
ETI Cortex Users Group News Letter 2
- Editorial
- Terminal emulator program extension
- Gaming keys routine
- BASIC sprite designing progran
- Bell modification
- Better use of graphics mode
- Bullet-proofing RAM in software
- Quad-speed saving and loading
- Centronics printer spooler
- Useful routine addresses
- Lower case generation program
- Automatic movement of sprites
- 3D graphing
- Multicolour mode
- Monitor tip
- Character definition program
- Calendars
- Cortex article from PCN December 1984
ETI Cortex Users Group News Letter 3
- Cortex Tips
- Programs
- Keyboard reading and Scrolling
- Flashing cursor
- Adding new commands
- Shares
- Multicolour mode
- Machine code loader
- Shape
- Bug Bytes - Your problems and solutions
- Corrections to newsletter 2
- Cortex software scene
- Order Form
- Markrosoft advert
- External video board for the Cortex
- Floppy Disk Controller parts list
ETI Cortex Users Group News Letter 4
- Programs sent in by users
- Competition and User Info
- Your problems and solutions - Bug Bytes
- Programming Tips
- Software Scene
- Cortex Hardware
- Order Form
- Subscription form and questionnaire
Not available yet
ETI Cortex Users Group News Letter 6
- EDITORIAL News, future products, and new software/hardware
- BUG BYTES Problems in Cortex hardware and programming
- CDOS modification
- 2D plane plotter Automatic
- List Directory
- USER INFO Your requests and information exchange
- FEATURE Adding extra BASIC statements
- SHORT TIFS Programming and hardware tips
- MACHINE CODE Part two : Addressing modes
- EXTRA FEATURE Generating magic squares
ETI Cortex Users Group News Letter 7
- EDITORIAL Software and Hardware News
- BUG BYTES Problems in Cortex hardware/programming
- Rotating 3D pyramid
- CDOS modifications
- Fractals
- List Directory
- USER INFO Your requests and information exchange
- FEATURE Cassette Interface Modifications
- SHORT TIPS Programming and hardware suggestions
- MACHINE CODE Part three: Arithmetic and Logical operations
Not available yet
ETI Cortex Users Group News Letter 9
- Editorial (The future of the user group)
- Programs
- Hardware
- Short tips
- Feature (DIR statement)
- Points to note
- User adverts
ETI Cortex Users Group News Letter 10
- Editorial note
- Letters
- Variable listing program
- More on Disk Inspect
- Basic programs in EPROM
- Extra system ROM
- Better data separator
- Short Tips
ETI Cortex Users Group News Letter 11
- Letters
- Editorial
- Programme (solving linear equations)
- More on Disk files
- Getting onto E.Bus part 2
- Hardware modifications
- Composite video buffer
ETI Cortex Users Group News Letter 12
- Errata / News
- Programme (PDIR Directory print utility)
- Centronics printer port mod
- Keys programme update
- MDEX utilities information
- 256K memory mod
- Small characters in graph programme
- Parallel plus serial I/O port
- Keyboard mods
- R.M. Lee 2-pass assembler update
ETI Cortex Users Group News Letter 13
- Letters
- Sound generator
- Programme (Sort directory)
- Programme (Double density disk inspect)
- Programme (PCB Plotting)
- Getting onto E.Bus part 3
ETI Cortex Users Group News Letter 14
- Editorial
- Programming the V.D.P.
- Programme (3D bar graph)
ETI Cortex Users Group News Letter 15
- Programme (Missile Command)
- Programme (Canyon)
- Programme (Ramdisc format utility)
- Programme (Diskname utility)
- Programme (Disk verify utility)
- Feature MDEX disk operating system
- Feature using QBASIC part one
- 9938 VDP interface
- Extending E. Bus memory
- Mouse - Keyboard interface
ETI Cortex Users Group News Letter 16
- Letters
- Editorial
- Programme (Paint and Dump changes)
- Double stepping disk drives
- Control keys programme
- MDEX information
- QBASIC part 2
- Adverts etc.
ETI Cortex Users Group News Letter 17
- Letters
- Mdex Sequential Pascal
- More on Canyon and Missile command
- Adding extra serial ports
- Qbasic part 3
ETI Cortex Users Group News Letter 18
- Editorial
- More on Canyon and Missile command
- MDEX utilities Terminal
- Monitor Command Extension
- MDEX to CDOS file transfer
- Othello
- Mastermind
- Compressed screen save
ETI Cortex Users Group News Letter 19
- Editorial
- Adding the Maplin 9938 VDP card
- MDEX utilities Mapper setup/screen colours
- Inside Cortex Basic
- Merging basic programmes
ETI Cortex Users Group News Letter 20
- Editorial
- Letters
- Ascii save and load routines
- MDEX printer setup
- Using the WD2797 Disk Controller
- Maze Game
ETI Cortex Users Group News Letter 21
- Modifying MDEX for 80 Column
- MDEX disk structure
- MDEX utilities additions
- Tape streamer project
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