The printed screen rails worked just how they were designed, not sliding at all. There was simply not enough space between moving parts. The second attempt works perfectly sliding in and out and pivoting with little friction and, what appears to be, enough strength. still need a mechanism to hold the screen in the upright position

There is still much to design including the rail on top of the screen and how it fits inside the deck. The height of the deck has been increased, twice now, to accommodate the screen slider under where the pi is mounted. The slider has yet to be integrated into the design of the deck body.
Pi output holes needed a slight adjustment and more tolerance space. 0.2mm clearance was a bit ambitious with the rough print settings I chose to get this large section printed quickly.

The width also had to be increased, which allows space for two extra columns of keys and extra screens or dials next to the main display. Definitely not sad about having more internal space, but I hope it doesnt change the feel/look of the deck too much. There is the possibility of reducing the size of the rails but It would be nice to focus on other parts and revisit this later.

Once everything is fit inside then the design can be broken down into smaller parts to improve printability.
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