
AR Headset - setting up and tests

A project log for Hedge Watcher

Save breeding songbirds with VR and AR thermal imaging during hedge-trimming work

johann-elias-stoetzerJohann Elias Stoetzer 10/09/2022 at 07:570 Comments

With the "computing and sensing"-in-a-box ready, we assembled the TFT screen and the headset - since we are using one screen for both eyes, we had to show the thermal picture twice... that's why the same image appears two times ;-)

It was quite assuring to see that the theory (of projecting from TFT display to a transparent screen) works out fine in reality :-)

Next step was of course trying it on for real...

With this "real-world test" (wearing it, not cutting hedges), we realized we need to be able to tilt the transparent screen according to the person wearing it... so, back to CAD, and doing a little add-on to the of the headset:

It is the grey part, that can swivel back and forth...

And now - our AR headset is ready as well! We will post some pictures of the final prototypes in comparison later...
