
56min into the burn

A project log for "Untitled4" laser pixel etching

Goofin' with my laser etcher. A piece of my pixel art is broken down and different colors etch with different settings

kalKal 10/09/2022 at 05:040 Comments

The head deffo bumped the extractor's snout. And there are a couple things i want to change, but i'm gonna let it ride; 1) LaserGRBL predicted about 1:45 so i'm probably almost halfway through 2) it looks, you know, at least pretty cool.

For a next attempt: Start much finer than 1 pass per mm and vary line density more. Power ratings between maybe 25% and 75%. Be more careful with the tape. And i'm curious if the diagonal pass is going to f' everything up.

There was so much potential:
