Argument Trace: BundledModulesPath
11/05/2022 at 08:14 • 0 commentsTracing BundledModulesPath parameter
- (on the Start-EditorServices cmdlet)
This is an attempt at comprehensively tracing the BundledModulesPath parameter. In this log, all uses of the BundledModulesPath parameter will be documented. This will support my unofficial documentation on the Start-EditorServices cmdlet
Unofficial Documentation:
[syntax section] - (syntax/usage)
[-BundledModulesPath < string, not null or empty >]
[line 44] - (cmdlet-script powershell param block)
[ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $BundledModulesPath
[line 116] - (cmdlet-script C# cmdlet call)
Import-Module -Name "$PSScriptRoot/PowerShellEditorServices.psd1" Start-EditorServices @PSBoundParameters
[line 11] - (module manifest - root module field)
# Script module or binary module file associated with this manifest. RootModule = if ($PSEdition -eq 'Core') { 'bin/Core/Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices.Hosting.dll' } else { 'bin/Desktop/Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices.Hosting.dll' }
- I believe this is a call to the Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices.Hosting namespace - still uncertain about this.PSES/src/PSES.Hosting/Commands/StartEditorServicesCommand.cs:
[line 24] - (cmdlet definition)
/// <summary> /// The Start-EditorServices command, the conventional entrypoint for PowerShell Editor Services. /// </summary> ... [Cmdlet( VerbsLifecycle.Start, "EditorServices", DefaultParameterSetName = "NamedPipe" )] public sealed class StartEditorServicesCommand : PSCmdlet { ... }
Project Logo
11/01/2022 at 00:07 • 0 commentsChosen Logo:
PSES doesn't have a logo of their own, so I'm using the preview icon pulled from vscode-powershell:
I might create an Unsplash or CreativeCommons image later...
My current idea is to remove the ">_" and replace it with "LSP" to represent that it is the language server
Bloat Code Tracker
10/31/2022 at 23:04 • 0 commentsThis repository is ridiculously bloated
This log will be used to track all known instances of bloatcode in the repo
Unneccessary profilepath processor code
The code that follows this line can be reduced to this:
PSMemberInfoCollection<PSPropertyInfo> profiles = profile.Properties ProfilePaths = new ProfilePathConfig { AllUsersAllHosts = (string)profiles.AllUsersAllHosts.Value, AllUsersCurrentHost = Path.Combine( Path.GetDirectoryName( (string)profiles.AllUsersCurrentHost.Value ), $"{HostProfileId}_profile.ps1" ), CurrentUserAllHosts = (string)profiles.CurrentUserAllHosts.Value, CurrentUserCurrentHost = Path.Combine( Path.GetDirectoryName( (string)profiles.CurrentUserCurrentHost.Value ), $"{HostProfileId}_profile.ps1" ), },
All referenced Enums and Methods for this generation can then be deleted
Unused EditorServicesLoader.Create() signature
According to this search, this signature never gets used.
Literally any instance of Object.Create()
We don't need to reinvent the "new" keyword. Named constructors should only be used where verbose names make the constructor look like more than just a constructor. For example Int32.Parse() is a good named constructor; Int32.Create() is not
ModulePath Modifying functions could probably be merged
EditorServicesLoader.UpdatePSModulePath() should probably include the code from the CreateConfigObject method on the cmdlet
Usages of PowerShell translated to C#, instead of just using C#
instead of using System.Text.Json to serialize to Json, they use the PowerShell command ConvertTo-Json to do it instead, but from C#. This is one of the most hilarious instances of bloat code I have ever seen
ProfilePaths is literally reinvinted just to be used as a parameter. No additions, just cloned into a new object.
This code doesn't need to be here.
Modifications to the BundledModulesPath variable
this doesn't need to be done in 5 different spots across the utility. Jesus Christ
Argument Trace: HostVersion
10/31/2022 at 18:14 • 0 commentsTracing HostVersion parameter to Start-EditorServices
This is my trace of the HostVersion parameter. The purpose of this log is to identify all uses for the HostVersion parameter. These uses will be documented in my unofficial documentation on the Start-EditorServices command
- Unofficial Docs - Syntax
[-HostVersion < string, mandatory, ="" not="" null="" or="" empty="" >]
- PSES/module/PSES/Start-EditorServices.ps1
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $HostVersion
- PSES/module/PSES/Start-EditorServices.ps1
Import-Module -Name "$PSScriptRoot/PowerShellEditorServices.psd1" Start-EditorServices @PSBoundParameters
- PSES/module/PSES/PowerShellEditorServices.psd1
# Script module or binary module file associated with this manifest. RootModule = if ($PSEdition -eq 'Core') { 'bin/Core/Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices.Hosting.dll' } else { 'bin/Desktop/Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices.Hosting.dll' }
- I believe this is a call to the Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices.Hosting namespace - still uncertain about this.
- PSES/src/PSES.Hosting/Commands/StartEditorServicesCommand.cs
/// <summary> /// The Start-EditorServices command, the conventional entrypoint for PowerShell Editor Services. /// </summary> [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Performance", "CA1819:Properties should not return arrays", Justification = "Cmdlet parameters can be arrays")] [Cmdlet(VerbsLifecycle.Start, "EditorServices", DefaultParameterSetName = "NamedPipe")] public sealed class StartEditorServicesCommand : PSCmdlet { ... }
- The parameter from the NamedPipe parameter set:
/// <summary> /// The version to report for the host. /// </summary> [Parameter(Mandatory = true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty] public Version HostVersion { get; set; }
- The only use for HostVersion in the entire CMDLet - hopefully this will be an easy argument trace :D
HostInfo hostInfo = new(HostName, HostProfileId, HostVersion);
- HostInfo is just a data structure that stores strings and semvers - no need to trace into this. will need to trace the hostinfo object tho :(
Tracing HostInfo/EditorServicesConfig
From my previous experiences with these objects, this is gonna be a long trace :(
- PSES/src/PSES.Hosting/Commands/StartEditorServicesCommand.cs (CreateConfigObject Private Method)
- The only use of HostVersion from above is in the private method CreateConfigObject from the StartEditorServicesCommand (The C# object representing the Start-EditorServices Cmdlet)
- This is a longer function, so I won't list the source code here, but I'll summarize it:
- Logs diagnostic message "Creating host configuration"
- Expands BundledModulesPath (cmdlet parameter) if it is a relative path
- Gets the $profile object from PowerShell
- Creates the HostInfo object
- Pulls in some kind of session state stuff from the runspace object - I have no idea what this is or if it is even useful :/
- Instantiates an EditorServicesConfig object with
- the HostInfo object,
- the PSHost object from the PWSH runtime the CMDlet will run in
- the SessionDetailsPath cmdlet parameter
- the Expanded BundledModulesPath path-string
- the LogPath cmdlet parameter
- Sets these properties on the new EditorServicesConfig object:
- FeatureFlags with the FeatureFlags cmdlet parameter
- LogLevel with the LogLevel cmdlet parameter
- ConsoleRepl with GetReplKind private method
- REPL is short for Read-Eval-Print-Loop
- This is the function that determines which readline Powershell is using by pulling from an Enum<out int>
- The 3 options are:
- None - no interactive console
- LeagacyReadLine - the readline implementation before MicroSoft ported in the PSReadLine repository
- PSReadLine - the latest readline implementation
- AdditionalModules with the AdditionalModules cmdlet parameter
- Service Transport Configs with:
- these private methods:
- GetLanguageServiceTransport
- GetDebugServiceTransport
- these return a config representing the type of pipe used for each service (named-pipe/split-named-pipes/stdio-pipe)
- these private methods:
- InitialSessionState with the session state stuff from earlier
- ProfilePaths struct (ProfilePathConfig enum) with the $profile object from earlier - note for devs: the enums and the internal methods do nothing, but bloat the code.
- StartupBanner with the StartupBanner cmdlet parameter
- default can be found here - I can use this later when I trace the StartupBanner object. Actually, any mention of "cmdlet parameter" in this log can be used for tracing.
- Returns the EditorServicesConfig object
- This object is effectively just a struct that stores the above values. It does not have any method members
- PSES/src/PSES.Hosting/Commands/StartEditorServicesCommand.cs (EndProcessing Protected Method)
- This is an override to Cmdlet.EndProcessing Method
- The call to CreateConfigObject()
EditorServicesConfig editorServicesConfig = CreateConfigObject();
- Pass to EditorServicesLoader.Create() - only use for editorServicesConfig
using EditorServicesLoader psesLoader = EditorServicesLoader.Create( _logger, editorServicesConfig, sessionFileWriter, _loggerUnsubscribers );
- Only call to the psesLoader object
// Synchronously start editor services and wait here until it shuts down. #pragma warning disable VSTHRD002 psesLoader.LoadAndRunEditorServicesAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); #pragma warning restore VSTHRD002
- PSES/src/PSES.Hosting/EditorServicesLoader.cs (Create() - public static method)
- editorServicesConfig from above gets passed in as hostConfig
- this function is just a named constructor. The actual constructor does nothing except assign it's parameters in the private variable stack
- this function just loads in some additional c# assemblies then returns the new EditorServicesConfig object
- note: the stored EditorServicesConfig (_hostConfig) is stored in the "private" stack
- PSES/src/PSES.Hosting/EditorServicesLoader.cs (List of all uses of _hostConfig in this class)
- used within:
- PSES/src/PSES.Hosting/EditorServicesLoader.cs (UpdatePSModulePath - public method)
- This private method is relatively short:
private void UpdatePSModulePath() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_hostConfig.BundledModulePath)) { _logger.Log(PsesLogLevel.Diagnostic, "BundledModulePath not set, skipping"); return; } string psModulePath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PSModulePath").TrimEnd(Path.PathSeparator); if ($"{psModulePath}{Path.PathSeparator}".Contains($"{_hostConfig.BundledModulePath}{Path.PathSeparator}")) { _logger.Log(PsesLogLevel.Diagnostic, "BundledModulePath already set, skipping"); return; } psModulePath = $ "{psModulePath}{Path.PathSeparator}{_hostConfig.BundledModulePath}"; Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PSModulePath", psModulePath); _logger.Log(PsesLogLevel.Verbose, $ "Updated PSModulePath to: '{psModulePath}'"); }
- This doesn't manipulate HostInfo.Version at all, but it does show that BundledModulePath is a sub path of $env:PSModulePath, specifically "${$env:PSModulePath}\${$HostVersion}"
- This private method is relatively short:
- PSES/src/PSES.Hosting/EditorServicesLoader.cs (LogHostInformation - private method)
- This method is lengthy, but doesn't seem to manipulate HostVersion
- Simply dumps HostVersion to the logger.
- It is important to note that Host Version and PowerShell Version are 2 separate log entries here
- PSES/src/PSES.Hosting/EditorServicesLoader.cs (ValidateConfiguration - private method)
- This method is also short
private void ValidateConfiguration() { _logger.Log(PsesLogLevel.Diagnostic, "Validating configuration"); bool lspUsesStdio = _hostConfig.LanguageServiceTransport is StdioTransportConfig; bool debugUsesStdio = _hostConfig.DebugServiceTransport is StdioTransportConfig; // Ensure LSP and Debug are not both Stdio if (lspUsesStdio && debugUsesStdio) { throw new ArgumentException("LSP and Debug transports cannot both use Stdio"); } if (_hostConfig.ConsoleRepl != ConsoleReplKind.None && (lspUsesStdio || debugUsesStdio)) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot use the REPL with a Stdio protocol transport"); } if (_hostConfig.PSHost == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(_hostConfig.PSHost)); } }
- No manipulations to HostVersion
- This method is also short
- LoadAndRunEditorServicesAsync - public task
- This is task that gets called with the "psesLoader.LoadAndRunEditorServicesAsync" function
public Task LoadAndRunEditorServicesAsync() { LogHostInformation(); #if!CoreCLR // Make sure the .NET Framework version supports .NET Standard 2.0 CheckNetFxVersion(); #endif UpdatePSModulePath(); ValidateConfiguration(); // Method with no implementation that forces the PSES assembly to load, triggering an AssemblyResolve event _logger.Log(PsesLogLevel.Verbose, "Loading PowerShell Editor Services"); LoadEditorServices(); _logger.Log(PsesLogLevel.Verbose, "Starting EditorServices"); _editorServicesRunner = new EditorServicesRunner(_logger, _hostConfig, _sessionFileWriter, _loggersToUnsubscribe); // The trigger method for Editor Services return Task.Run(_editorServicesRunner.RunUntilShutdown); }
- The only significant calls here are the construction of the EditorServicesRunner object and the Task.Run(_editorServicesRunner.RunUntilShutdown)
- This is task that gets called with the "psesLoader.LoadAndRunEditorServicesAsync" function
- PSES/src/PSES.Hosting/EditorServicesLoader.cs (EditorServicesRunner - internal class constructor)
- Regular setter-constructor (private variables are prefixed with "_"
- Signature
public EditorServicesRunner( HostLogger logger, EditorServicesConfig config, ISessionFileWriter sessionFileWriter, IReadOnlyCollection<IDisposable> loggersToUnsubscribe)
- PSES/src/PSES.Hosting/EditorServicesLoader.cs (RunUntilShutdown - public task)
- wrapper for CreateEditorServicesAndRunUntilShutdown (private async task)
- Makes a few log entries to logger, and writes the "session started" state to the session.json file
- PSES/src/PSES.Hosting/EditorServicesLoader.cs (CreateEditorServicesAndRunUntilShutdown - private async task)
- This is the C# Task factory wrapped by RunUntilShutdown
- It is lengthy, so I will break it up:
- determines which servers it will be creating (debug, server, or both):
bool creatingLanguageServer = _config.LanguageServiceTransport != null; bool creatingDebugServer = _config.DebugServiceTransport != null; bool isTempDebugSession = creatingDebugServer && !creatingLanguageServer;
- !!! - creates a HostStartupInfo object - this object is a wrapper for HostInfo, which wraps the HostVersion variable
- If it is only running a debug server, run it then return out of the task
- Unsubs from the host logger before the session's server is run
- Writes the startup banner - but only if there is a Read-Eval-Print Loop running
- Creates a PsesLanguageServer using the CreateLanguageServerAsync method (declaration)
- !!! - the HostStartupInfo object from above is passed to this method
- this task is halted until the language server pipe is connected to. This halts the entire CreateEditorServicesAndRunUntilShutdown Task
- Serves as a wrapper for EditorServicesServerFactory.CreateLanguageServer()
- !!! - Only significant calls to this new object:
- Creates the debug server and passes the PsesLanguageServer to it's constructor
- Awaits language server shutdown
- Resubs the host logger
- determines which servers it will be creating (debug, server, or both):
- PSES/src/PSES.Hosting/EditorServicesLoader.cs (CreateHostStartupInfo - private method)
- This is the factory used to create the HostStartupInfo from 11.b.ii of this log (link is to the source code)
- This is just a wrapper for the HostStartupInfo constructor in order to for some reason pointlessly clone _config.ProfilePaths??
- HostStartupInfo's constructor for the most part is just a setter-constructor (Parameter -> UpperCamelCase Properties)
- Only deviation is that it again adds parsing to the bundledmodulepath variable. - Why do we keep doing this?? We can't just do this in one spot guys?
- This is the factory used to create the HostStartupInfo from 11.b.ii of this log (link is to the source code)
- PSES/src/PSES.Hosting/EditorServicesLoader.cs (CreateLanguageServerAsync - private async method)
see 11.b.vi
- PSES/src/PSES/Hosting/EditorServicesServerFactory (CreateLanguageServer - public method)
- see 11.b.vi.iii
- wraps PSESLanguageServer constructor
- PSES/src/PSES/Server/PsesLanguageServer.cs (PsesLanguageServer - public constructor)
- see above (14.b)
- just a setter-constructor
- PSES/src/PSES/Server/PsesLanguageServer.cs (StartAsync - public async task)
- see 11.b.vi.iv.i
- wraps OmniSharp LanguageServer.From constructor
- only usage of the HostStartupInfo object is in the AddPsesLanguageServices call
- PSES/src/PSES/Server/PsesLanguageServer.cs (WaitForShutdown - public task)
- see 11.b.vi.iv.ii
- wraps Omnisharp LanguageServer.WaitForExit task and shutsdown _psesHost (this is created as a service in the From constructor)
- PSES/src/PSES/Server/PsesServerCollectionExtensions.cs (AddPsesLanguageServices - extension method for IServiceCollection)
- Just adds the object as a service. According to the search below, there is no further reference to this object's version parameters.
- Services check (this should be through PsesLanguageServer.LanguageServer.Services)
- according to this search, the only instance of PsesLanguageServer is the ones I've already documented.
- EditorServicesServerFactory.cs has 1 ref to LanguageServer.Services, and this is to create the debug server
- this is also the only instance of it in EditorServicesRunner.cs
- Unofficial Docs - Syntax
Moving Generated Docs to Github Gists
10/31/2022 at 17:39 • 0 commentsI find it hard to navigate through the project logs, so I'm moving the Docs to Github Gists. I may move them into their own repository later.
Brief Pause in Logs
10/29/2022 at 22:13 • 0 commentsHaven't given this up. Just had to take some time off from logs, so that I could learn about Dependency Injection in C#.
This takes some time, because I need to specifically cover topics like IServiceCollection, and cover broad topics like inversion of control.
There isn't a whole lot of articles that demystify these topics very well. If I get asked, I might produce my own, but for now I don't feel like summing up the 30-some-odd pages I have had to read through to get a feel for the topic.
A Good Article to Start Working With:
Library Trace: LanguageServer
10/25/2022 at 01:23 • 0 commentsAccording these 2 lines:
I believe that PSES is using the OmniSharp C# Language Server to create an LSP server
These source code files seem to be too large and broad to be scraped to get every detail over how PSES uses it, but it does look rewriteable in PowerShell :D...
Argument Trace: HostName
10/22/2022 at 00:49 • 9 commentsStart-EditorServices.cs:
- Only significant use: hostInfo.name = HostName
EditorServicesLoader psesLoader:
psesLoader.LoadAndRunEditorServicesAsync(): - NOTE: psesLoader should call on an EditorServicesRunner object
- declaration
- calls in order:
- LogHostInformation
- declaration
- just dumps host info to logger
- CheckNetFxVersion
- declaration
- Checks .NETFramework version against .NET 4.6.2. Doesn't throw error, but dumps a warning to console
- UpdatePSModulePath
- declaration
- adds BundledModulePath to $env:PSModulePath
- ValidateConfiguration
- declaration
- ensures that Debug and Language Service Transport are not both set to STDIO
- Ensures there is "PSHost" object (this is the MonadShell/PowerShell (MSH) Runspace)
- LoadEditorService
- declaration
- Wrapper for EditorServicesLoading.LoadEditorServicesForHost()
- Which is a "no-op" that just ensures that Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices.Hosting assembly is loaded
- This triggers an AssemblyResolve event
- Which is a "no-op" that just ensures that Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices.Hosting assembly is loaded
- _editorServicesRunner = new EditorServicesRunner(_logger, _hostConfig, _sessionFileWriter, _loggersToUnsubscribe);
- declaration
- EditorServicesRunner.RunUntilShutdown()
- Wraps CreateEditorServicesAndRunUntilShutdown()
- declaration
- Wraps a Try...Final() block
- calls CreateHostStartupInfo();
- if debug, sets debug server to RunTempDebugSessionAsync(hostStartupInfo).ConfigureAwait(false);
- unsubscribes from host logger (I assume from bloating it? I don't remember this bloating the host logger??)
- calls WriteStartupBanner();
- which is no-oped due to not having an entry in for the startup banner argument PowerShellEditorServices.Hosting/Commands/StartEditorServicesCommand.cs
- sets languages server to PsesLanguageServer languageServer = await CreateLanguageServerAsync(hostStartupInfo).ConfigureAwait(false);
- declaration (PsesLanguageServer)
- hostdetails gets processed in StartAsync() as an argument to AddPsesLanguageServices()
- declaration for AddPsesLanguageServices()
- this is done in a callback passed to options.WithServices
- options is a parameter for a callback passed to LanguageServer.From()
- this call has the this signature
- the definition assoc'd with that sig is a wrapper for From(Action<LanguageServerOptions> optionsAction,outerServiceProvider,CancellationToken) where optionsAction is the callback
- the def
- this function is also a wrapper for From(LanguageServerOptions options, ...)
- The LanguageServerOptions type is an implementation of LanguageProtocolRpcOptionsBase<LanguageServerOptions>
- which is an implementation of JsonRpcServerOptionsBase<T>
- which has a method called WithServices(Action<IServiceCollection> servicesAction)
- declaration
- servicesAction is a callback with the signature: servicesAction(
- which has a method called WithServices(Action<IServiceCollection> servicesAction)
- which is an implementation of JsonRpcServerOptionsBase<T>
- The LanguageServerOptions type is an implementation of LanguageProtocolRpcOptionsBase<LanguageServerOptions>
- options is a parameter for a callback passed to LanguageServer.From()
- calls languageServer.StartAsync();
- starts debug server
- calls languageServer.WaitForShutdown()
- then final() resubs the host logger
- Writes Starting State to Session File
- Wraps CreateEditorServicesAndRunUntilShutdown()
- return Task.Run(_editorServicesRunner.RunUntilShutdown);
- and a whole bunch of calls to _logger
- LogHostInformation
In order to further understand how PSES processes hostname, we need to dig into languageServer -
Vague Parameter: HostProfileId
10/18/2022 at 04:44 • 0 comments- declared on Line 57
- used on
- Line 341
- This line creates a HostInfo object, which is defined here
- This object is referred to frequently throughout the source code
- Most of these usages are either contributions to the construction of the EditorServicesConfig object or references to one
- These references are usually intances of HostStartupInfo, which also gets declared as "hostInfo"
- These HostStartupInfo and EditorServicesConfig objects hold a lot of data, including data on some of the bootstrapper's parameters. This includes a couple of default values
- Others are used for "Verbose" logging
- These references are usually intances of HostStartupInfo, which also gets declared as "hostInfo"
- Most of these usages are either contributions to the construction of the EditorServicesConfig object or references to one
- Line 393
- Part of function block for GetProfilePathFromProfileObject
- Is combined with the root folder of pwshProfilePath on Line 391
- this guy is declared on Line 384
- references profileObject and profilePathName
- profileObject
- set as profile on Lines 362-365
- profile set on Line 339
- set as profile on Lines 362-365
- profileObject
- references profileObject and profilePathName
- this guy is declared on Line 384
- Line 341
So HostProfileId is a filename prefix used to reference a custom powershell profile that exists in the same directory as the current powershell profile
This is the PowerShell equivalent of Line 393:
function GetProfilePathFromProfileObject( $profile, $user, $host ){ $profilePath = $profile."$user$host" Join-Path -Path (Split-Path $profilePath) -ChildPath "$($HostProfileId)_profile.ps1" }
We need to test this functionality
Start-EditorServices Unofficial Documentation
10/18/2022 at 04:41 • 1 commentSyntax:
(Summarized from the bootstrapper source code)
Start-EditorServices #Common to Every Parameter Set: [-HostName <String, Mandatory, Not Null or Empty>] [-HostProfileId <String, Mandatory, Not Null or Empty>] [-HostVersion <String, Mandatory, Not Null or Empty>] [-BundledModulesPath <String, Not Null or Empty>] [-LogPath <Not Null or Empty>] [-LogLevel <String: "Diagnostic", "Verbose", "Normal", "Warning", "Error"] [-SessionDetailsPath <String, Mandatory, Not Null or Empty>] [-EnableConsoleRepl <Switch>] [-UseLegacyReadLine <Switch>] [-DebugServiceOnly <Switch>] [-LanguageServiceOnly <Switch>] [-AdditionalModules <String[]>] [-FeatureFlags <String[]>] [-WaitForDebugger <Switch>] [-ConfirmInstall <Switch>] #NamedPipe Parameter Set (Default): [-LanguageServicePipeName = $null <String>] [-DebugServicePipeName = $null <String>] #Stdio Parameter Set: [-Stdio <Switch>] #NamedPipeSimplex Parameter Set: [-SplitInOutPipes <Switch>] [-LanguageServiceInPipeName <String>] [-LanguageServiceOutPipeName <String>] [-DebugServiceInPipeName = $null <String>] [-DebugServiceOutPipeName = $null <String>]
Synopsis (Also from the bootstrapper source code):
Starts the language and debug services from the PowerShellEditorServices module.
Description (Again, bootstrapper):
PowerShell Editor Services Bootstrapper Script:
This script contains startup logic for the PowerShell Editor Services module when launched by an editor. It handles the following tasks:
- Verifying the existence of dependencies like PowerShellGet
- Verifying that the expected version of the PowerShellEditorServices module is installed
- Installing the PowerShellEditorServices module if confirmed by the user
- Creating named pipes for the language and debug services to use (if using named pipes)
- Starting the language and debug services from the PowerShellEditorServices module
Developer/Contributor Details:
Assembly (Loaded by PowerShellEditorServices.psd1, the PSES module)
- When run by PowerShell Core, this is loaded:
- 'bin/Core/Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices.Hosting.dll'
- On any other PowerShell:
- 'bin/Desktop/Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices.Hosting.dll'
Assembly Source Code:
- PSES/src/PowerShellEditorServices.Hosting
- per PowerShellEditorServices.Hosting.csproj, the ../PowerShellEditorServices/PowerShellEditorServices.csproj is included at compilation
- PSES/src/PowerShellEditorServices
Omnisharp Source Code:
HostName (Breakdown):
- Hostname is used primarily to generate Runspaces using a C# PShost object. This object abstractly represents the PowerShell host. The PShost.name field (Hostname) is a reader-friendly string, which can be used identify the PSHost object. PSHost objects can be used to list runspaces under the PowerShell host and identify the host's appdomain
- Default Value: "PowerShell Editor Services Host" (set by HostStartupInfo then pulled into PSHost.name during PSInternalHost construction)
- It's secondary purpose is for logging
HostProfileId (Breakdown):
- HostProfileId is a filename prefix used to identify the profile.ps1 file used by PowerShell Editor Services.
- Default Value: Microsoft.PowerShellEditorServices
- Can be found in:
- AllUsersAllHosts: "$( $profile.AllUsersAllHosts )/$( $HostProfileId )_profile.ps1"
- AllUsersCurrentHost: "$( $profile.AllUsersCurrentHost )/$( $HostProfileId )_profile.ps1"
- CurrentUserAllHosts: "$( $profile.CurrentUserAllHosts )/$( $HostProfileId )_profile.ps1"
- CurrentUserCurrentHost: "$( $profile.CurrentUserCurrentHost )/$( $HostProfileId )_profile.ps1"