
Project ZeroAR

Zero turn mower AR combat

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How about using off-season mowers as an AR robot fighting platform?
A loop of retro-reflective sprayed poly carbonate, projector, and a kill switch, and zero turn mowers become a suitable AR platform.

Project a cockpit from above your user.
Collect real-time GPS/sensor fusion battle data, teams, objectives, and coordinate weapons display, hit detection, and environmental audio.

Synchronize slow moving AR virtual weapons for all participants.
Think banana bombs, BFGs, phasers, missiles, satellite beam weapons, swords, the sky is the limit. Choose your load out carefully, it affects your performance characteristics.

Do some simple terrain mapping and you can add virtual obstacles you could enforce with exclusion zones. An empty field can become a city. Golf courses could become fun.

Enforce the virtual exclusion zones, top speed, damage, overheating, death, and eventual repair with the kill switch. Use the hydraulics to allow simulating different types of damage.

Credit for that awesome zero turn mower photo:

Original brain dump.

  1. How about an accessible robot fighting platform. I'm thinking a loop of polycarbonate and most zero turn mowers become suitable paintball platforms.
  2. [8:32 AM]upgrade paths, larger tires for speed, treads for... well cause. smaller and larger calliber or variable fire rate/pattern munitions. Perhaps drone strikes with paintballs..
  3. [8:34 AM]play in urban, park, or woods settings. Need some cover. A loading dock might be fun.
  4. [8:36 AM]Project a cockpit on your loop of polycarbonate. Add realtime battle data, teams, objectives.
  5. [8:36 AM]different classes of mobile platforms setting up virtual defenses projected over the terreain for both parties.
  6. [8:37 AM]generate artifical exclusion zones via virtual weapons installations, and countermeasures.
  7. [8:39 AM]give the mower a kill switch. When you are hit, you are out. PWM it for various levels of failure/artificial drama.
  8. [8:39 AM]hitting the dash works.
  9. [8:42 AM]The mowers join a shared master node which coordinates the established exclusion zones. Mesh connectivity and a few repeaters should be enough, if we trust all nodes. We probably shouldn't.
  10. [8:43 AM]or just shooting paintballs to start with would be fun. Sustainably though, virtual ammo would be the way to go.
  11. [8:43 AM]bfg.
  12. [8:44 AM]blinds the cockpit of the user (projector full on) for a few seconds and kills team-mates as well. Hog on charge.
  13. [8:45 AM]I need a mower.
  14. [8:47 AM]I wonder if you can vacuum deposit the specific wavelengths provided by your projector onto the surface of the polycarbonate... in a spiral, in a tube, from one end. I wonder if you can pull a full vacuum on ABS pipe..
  15. [8:48 AM]for reflection, dicromatic style. Or just give it a misting of retroreflective beads and project from above the user.
  16. [8:52 AM]It's a great time to be a maker. I could probably pull up at least a few hits on everything I just piled together there.

  • Player tracking

    MasterOfNull10/23/2022 at 22:56 0 comments

    Well first off, I think funny hats are in order.

    If you require funny hats, then tracking someones head becomes trivial.

    A simple down looking camera could track the top of the persons head from below the projector.

    I'm thinking a couple super simple QR codes could give roll/pitch/yaw.

    Add 6 QR codes and you could track arms and wrists.

    Strobe some colored LED's on the fingers of some gloves, and use two cameras.  Now you have Minority Report.

  • The AR part

    MasterOfNull10/14/2022 at 16:07 0 comments

    I think it might be simpler to adopt some BSP wielding game engine.  Last one I used was the unreal engine.  No idea of the state of develpment on any of these now.

    As a game client, stream into the game server our real world inputs.  

    The game map would need to be large enough at the start to represent whatever size physical battle field is being used.  

    Simple height and shape mapping for buildings should probably be present to prevent AR bullets from firing through real-world obstacles (unless you have a rail gun).

    I think the ideal playing field would be a park in need of some serious grooming.  :)  Basically flat or lightly wooded.

    It would be the responsibility of the individual node to output as accurate of positional information it could.  This would stand on GPS and be augmented by magnetic, inertial, and gyroscopic sensor fusion.  They would serve as inputs to the game engine the user can not control.  The real-world angle of the machine is used when manually targeting an objective for example.

    With accurate positional and vector information, generating a suitable overlay for the user in the game engine should be possible.  Direct projection of the exact shape/size of the AR represented opponent should probably be avoided to prevent artifacts at close range, but AR targeting of opponents you can't actually see yet would be cool.  See through walls upgrade acquired.

    Localized effects such as a shield centered on the opponents position could be used though and the relative positional information of the opponents can be used for hit detection using the game engine.

    Damage could be simulated on the possibly briefly illuminated AR limbs of an opponent and that damage could then be translated to partial loss of motion for the associated hydraulic control.

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