
Steam turbine cooling scheme

We analyzed cooling scheme of steam turbine

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It is necessary to reduce the level of temperature stresses in the RVD and the RSD-1, then the optimization of the starting modes of the turbine T-250 / 300-240 can be solved by exercising control of the thermal stress of the inner housing of the CVT. The most effective way to solve this problem is to implement the technology of steam cooling high-temperature sections of steam turbine rotors. This will reduce the temperature differences in the rotors and allow them to be removed from the "critical" elements of the turbine. At the same time in all operating modes it is proposed to implement a system of forced steam cooling RVD and RSD-1 turbines to reduce their temperature differences, which will allow them to be removed from the category of "critical" elements. I also got a coursework help on this subject. DM me to got link on this work.

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