## Project notes 2022-11-13 (Larger 1.8" display and working SD-log file)
I promised to look at a slightly larger display a week ago. The larger 1.8" display allows us to add more data on the screen and, in addition, display various non-menu related information. There is a larger display, like the popular 2.8", 320x240 resolution with ILI9341, and with an SD-card slot. It's not unlikely that the final TinyDataLogger will use that in the end. However, for now, 1.8" is beneficial not to add more feature creep in the specification for the project. The intention was to measure and log simple data, such as an analog battery discharge voltage, or use an I2C breakout sensor for air quality experiments.
There are a few reasons our display will grow with time.
* Configuration: The data sources, calibration, and similar activities. Without a local display menu, it has to be done remotely in a *headless* mode via a web interface, AT commands, or similar. Of course, the WiFi connection has to work for this solution.
* It's expected that during development, it usually becomes clear that some basic assumptions are not valid anymore. Thus we need the added flexibility.
Is anything wrong with starting small and gradually maturing the project as we proceed? Unless we require some significant changes, it can be beneficial for two reasons.
* It tends to reduce the complexity of the prototype stage, and the project does not need to struggle to evaluate way too many scenarios
* A functional prototype can relatively quickly be realized and thus provide valuable feedback for the continuation of the project.
As one of the menu displays shows below, I will shortly look into how to accomplish wireless remote data logging, i.e., telemetry.

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