

Allwinner T113-S4 SOC chip is a 2xCortex-A7+1xRISC-V+256M DDR3 processor with RGB_MIPI_LVDS_8080 LCD driver.

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Allwinner's newly released T113-S4 SOC chip is a dual-core 1GHz Cortex-A7+1GHz 64bit RISC-V+256M DDR3 processor designed for intelligent control and human-machine interface in automotive and industrial applications. It comes with 256MB DDR3 on-chip memory and H.264 video decodere and 2D graphics engine, and has a lead time of more than 10 years. We chose the T113-S4 for our compact SBC board, which has 4xUSB ports, 1x1000M network interface, 2.4G & 5G Wifi6/Bluetooch 5.4 modules and audio headphone output sockets, and an on-board microphone. An RTC battery socket is also installed to power the RTC of the SOC at 12uA.
It has lcd controller with max 1920x1080 resolution, capable of driving RGB/MIPI/LVDS/MCU8080 interface LCDs.Three LCD FPC sockets for RGB/MIPI/LVDS are installed on the SBC-T113.

Allwinner Technology's newly released T113-S4 chip has an internal DDR3 upgrade to 256MB and a 64bit C906 RISC-V 1008MHz CPU for running freertos/nuttx.

We have improved the SBC-T113 again, the LCD FPC socket has been changed to three types of RGB 50P/LVDS 40P/MIPI 40P, the wifi module has been improved to a 2.4G/5G dual-band Wifi6 300Mbits module, and a 512MBtyes/4GBtyes SD Nand chip has been added.

The pins of F133/T113 are compatible, but the DDR2 voltage of F133 is different.

The PCB has been soldered.

RGB/MIPI/LVDS three kinds of LCD sockets.

A new version of the SBC-T113 EXT has been drawn up。
5xAdc Key
2xAnalog Video Inputs
1xBattery Socket, CR2450 550mAh

A standard 7” LCD PCB adapter board was designed to take 2 kickstands or mount an enclosure.

Similarity of mounting brackets

Similar for mounting housings

T113 Mounting Cover with Fan Attached


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View all 37 files

  • Running LVGL and touch functions

    ElecLab12/22/2024 at 13:45 0 comments

    Compile the Audio mixer of lvgl demo. The GT9xx touch screen runs normally and displays normally. The UI uses the hardware rotation function of G2D and does not burden the CPU.

  • T113-S4 stamp hole core board

    ElecLab12/18/2024 at 02:58 0 comments

    Completed the PCB design of the stamp hole core board.
    Found a newly launched 32Gbits=4GBytes industrial temperature SD Nand, used it to load the Linux system, and integrated the RTL8211 1000M phy chip on the back of the PCB.

  • The PCB of T113-S4 has been completed

    ElecLab12/16/2024 at 00:51 0 comments

    The drawings have been updated, the PCB has been processed, and the next step is to verify the new functions of T113-S4.
    A core board was designed using KiCad.

    The PCB has been manufactured and is ready for components to be soldered.

  • Upgraded to 256M DDR3 T113-S4 chip and WIFI6 AIC8800D80

    ElecLab12/13/2024 at 09:08 3 comments

    We upgraded the hardware to use T113-S4, which has built-in 256M DDR3 memory and added a 1GHz 64bit C906 RISC-V processor, which can run freertos/Nuttx.
    We also upgraded the wifi module to the WIFI6 version of AIC8800D80, which greatly improved the wireless speed.

    When the wifi6 signal quality is high, the speed of iperf3 -c is around 270M and the speed of iperf3 -s is around 300M.

    Of course, a 512MB SD Nand storage chip is also installed for it, so that the system and programs can be solidified inside.

View all 4 project logs

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