
Adding a speaker

A project log for Arduino Radio

Let there be music ... everywhere.

xtreme-techXtreme Tech 01/22/2023 at 11:430 Comments

Till now I have been using earplugs or an external speaker to listen to music from my radio. So, I decided to build a speaker extension module.

Using an aux cable I routed the audio signal into an amplifier (LM386 amplifier module) to which a small speaker was connected. The volume of the audio can be controlled by the potentiometer on board the LM386 module. 

                                                         The LM386 Amplifier Module

I was actually quite surprised by the sound quality from this speaker. I had not expected the audio quality to be any good at all but after adjusting the volume, the quality was not so bad. Of course, commercially available speakers do offer much better audio quality and hence I have kept this speaker extension module as an optional attachment to the radio. 
