

A project log for Smart leash

Simple navigation for pet robots

lion-mclionheadlion mclionhead 11/22/2022 at 18:390 Comments

Recovered a dead atmega328 by soldering on a crystal.  Soldering atmegas when they're powered up causes their clock setting to get corrupted, but so far not their reset pin setting.  It's going to need a dedicated UART from the mane confuser in order to bundle power on the cable or it's going to need a lot more cables. The cables have to rotate with it.

Noted the compaction of the cable causes the encoder to drift by 1 count, since it's measuring spool turns rather than length of cable.  There's a way to farsten the pot with a screw instead of hot glue.  The whole enclosure needs to be protected from the elements.  The rotation is too fast to send raw ADC values over the UART.  It needs to send computed angles & distances.
