
Getting the Blink example running on the EMB1082

A project log for EMB1082 BLE5.0 module

Exploration of the EMB1082 low energy module and the development of a breakout board.

dimitarDimitar 11/18/2022 at 20:270 Comments

Hello all,

There some things you will need first.

Mind you that all this information is present in the RTL8762D SDK User Guide EN pdf that you can download from realtek. 

1. First make sure you have all your connections are secure and everything is powered on. My LED is connected to VDD and through a resistor to P0_0.

2. Next go to BEE2-SDK-v1.2.0 -> board -> evb -> io_sample -> GPIO -> Output_led and open output_led.uvprojx to start KEIL

3. In the Project section on the left, right click on "demo" and select "Options for target 'demo'".

4. Navigate to Debug -> Settings

5. Next we need to change few things. We will use Port SW at 500kHz (1MHZ will also work). Connections and reset options both need to be set to Normal. If everything is correct we will se SW device listed on the right.

6. In the Flash Download tab we need to set the RAM algorithm start and and size values and add the algorithms themselves. 

RTL876x_LOG_TRACE_16MB.FLM and RTL876x_SPI_FLASH.FLM need to be located in C:\Keil_v5\ARM\Flash. You can find a copy in "BEE2-SDK-v1.2.0\tool\flash"

In the main.c file we need to change the lines 22 and 23 to:

#define GPIO_OUTPUT_PIN_0       P0_0

Press F7 to build the project and then F8 to download the binary to the board.

And easy as this you got you blink example running on the board.


