

A project log for Shop Reorganization

Putting my house in order

david-tuckerDavid Tucker 08/06/2023 at 19:330 Comments

The temperature dropped down to 105F this weekend, so I braved the garage and managed to get all the parts of my drawers cut down to there final size.  It is getting very hot again and I think I'm done for this weekend.  I still need to do a dry fit of the parts to make sure I did not mess anything up, then do a rough sanding to take care of any small oopsies when cutting, then glue and staple them together and finally toss in a few screws to make it really hold together well.  Finally the big event, putting them in and adding faces.  I went out today and picked up the rest of the materials I will need to finish it all up.  So hopefully, if the weather holds, I can get close to finished next weekend.  If not, then chances are we will have another month of scorching heat and this could take a while to finish.


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